[RFCs/IDs] [Plain Text]
Feb. 1982 Working
RFC 809
Tawei Chang
ABSTRACT: This note describes the features of
the computerised facsimile system
developed in the Department of
Computer Science at UCL. First its
functions are considered and the
related experimental work are
reported. Then the disciplines for
system design are discussed.
Finally, the implementation of the
system are described, while detailed
description are given as appendices.
Department of Computer Science
University College, London
NOTE: Figures 5 and 6 may be obtained by sending a request to
Ann Westine at USC-Information Sciences Institute, 4676 Admiralty
Way, Marina del Rey, California, 90291 (or WESTINE@ISIF) including
your name and postal mailing address. Please mention that you are
requesting figures 5 and 6 from RFC 809.
OR: You can obtain these two figures online from the files
from the SRI-NIC online library. These files are in the format
described in RFC 769.
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................1
2. SYSTEM FUNCTIONS.......................................2
2.1 Communication......................................4
2.2 Interworking with Other Equipment..................8
2.2.1 Facsimile machines............................8
2.2.2 Output Devices................................9
2.3 Image Enhancement..................................11
2.4 Image Editing......................................15
2.5 Integration with Other Data Types..................16
3. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE....................................17
3.1 System Requirements................................17
3.2 Hierarchical Model.................................19
3.3 Clean and Simple Interface.........................20
3.3.1 Principles....................................21
3.3.2 Synchronisation and Desynchronisation.........21
3.3.3 Data Transfer.................................22
3.4 Control and Organisation of the Tasks..............22
3.4.1 Command Language..............................23
3.4.2 Task Controller...............................23
3.5 Interface Routines.................................26
3.5.1 Sharable Control Structure....................26
3.5.2 Buffer Management.............................27
4. UCL FACSIMILE SYSTEM...................................28
4.1 Multi-Task Structure...............................29
4.2 The Devices........................................29
4.3 The Networks.......................................30
4.4 File System........................................31
4.5 Data Structure.....................................32
4.6 Data Conversion....................................34
4.7 Image Manipulation.................................35
4.8 Data Transmission..................................39
5. CONCLUSION.............................................41
5.1 Summary............................................41
5.2 Problems...........................................42
5.3 Future Study.......................................46
Appendix I: Devices
Appendix II: Task Controller and Task Processes
Appendix III: Utility and Data Formats
The object of a facsimile system is to reproduce
faithfully a document or image from one piece of paper
onto another piece of paper sited remotely from the
first one. Up to now, the main method of facsimile
communication has been via the telephone network. Most
facsimile machines permit neither the storage of image
page nor their modification before transmission. With
such machines, it is almost impossible to communicate
between different makes of facsimile machines. In this
respect, facsimile machines fall behind other
electronic communication services.
Integration of a facsimile service with computer
communication techniques can bring great improvements
in service. Not only is the reliability and efficiency
improved but, more important, the system can be
integrated with other forms of data communication.
Moreover, the computer enables the facsimile machine to
fit into a complete message and information processing
environment. The storage facilities provided by the
computer system make it possible to store large amounts
of facsimile data and retrieve them rapidly. Data
conversion allows facsimile machines of different types
to communicate with each other. Furthermore, the
facsimile image is edited and/or combined with other
forms of data, such as text, voice and graphics, to
construct a multi-media message, which can be widely
distributed over computer networks.
In the Department of Computer Science at UCL, a
computerised facsimile system has been developed in
order to fully apply computer technology, especially
communication, to the facsimile field. Some work has
been done to improve the facsimile service in several
(1) Adaptation of the facsimile machine for use with
computer networks. This permits more reliable and
accurate document transmission, as well as
improving the normal point-to-point transfers.
(2) Storage of facsimile pages. This permits the
queueing of pages, so saving operator time. Also,
standard documents can be kept permanently and
transmitted at any time.
(3) Interworking with other facsimile machines. This
permits different makes of facsimile machines to
- 1 -
exchange images.
(4) Compression of the facsimile images. This allows
more efficient transmission to be achieved.
Different compression schemes are investigated.
(5) Display of images on other devices. A colour
display is used so that the result of image
processing can be shown very vividly.
(6) Improvement of the images. The ability to 'clean'
the facsimile images not only allows for even
higher compression ratio, but also provide a
better result at the destination.
(7) Editing of facsimile pages. This includes the
ability to change pictures, alter the size of
images and merge two or more images, all
(8) Integration of the facsimile service with other
data types. For the time being, coded character
text can be converted into facsimile format and
mixed pages containing pictures and text can be
This note first considers the functions of the
facsimile system, the related experimental work being
reported. Then the discipline for the system design is
discussed. Finally, the implementation of the UCL
facsimile system is described. As appendices, detailed
description of the system are given, namely
I. Devices
II. Task controller and task processes
III. Utility routines and Data format
The computerised facsimile system we have developed
is composed of an LSI-11 micro-computer running the MOS
operating system [14] with two AED62 floppy disk drives
[17], a Grinnell colour display [18], a DACOM facsimile
machine [16], and a VDU as the system console. This
LSI-11 is also attached to several networks, including
the ARPANET/SATNET [21], [22] and the UCL Cambridge
Ring. A schematic of the system is shown in Fig. 1.
- 2 -
facsimile machine bit-map display
+------+ +------+
! ! ! !
+------+ +------+
+------+ \ / VDU
! disk ! +----------+ +-----+
+------+ ---- ! LSI-11 ! -- ! !
! disk ! +----------+ +-----+
+------+ |
! NI !
Network Interface
Fig. 1 Schematic of UCL facsimile system
In this system, a page is read on the facsimile
machine and the image data produced is stored on the
floppy disk. This data can be processed locally in the
micro-computer and then sent to a file store of a
remote computer across the computer network. At the
remote site, the image data may be processed and
printed on a facsimile machine.
On the other hand, we can receive image data which is
sent by a remote host on the network. This data can be
manipulated in the same way, including being printed on
the local machine.
Section 2.1 dicusses the problems concerned with
transmission of facsimile image data over a network,
while the following sections deal with those of local
manipulation of image data.
In order to interwork with other facsimile machine,
we have to convert the image data from one
representation format to another. Interworking with
other output devices requires that the image be scaled
to fit the dimension of the destination device. These
are described in section 2.2.
Being able to process the image by computer opens the
door to many possibilities. First, as considered in
section 2.3, an image can be enhanced, so that the
quality of the image may be improved and more efficient
storage and transmission can be achieved. Secondly, a
facsimile editing system can be supported whereby a
picture can be changed and/or combined with other
- 3 -
pictures. This is described in section 2.4.
In our system, coded character text can be converted
into its bit-map representation format so that it can
be handled as a facsimile image and merged with
pictures. This provides an environment where multi-type
information can be dealt with. This is discussed in
section 2.5.
2.1 Communication
The first goal of our computerised facsimile system
is to use a computer network to transmit data between
facsimile machines which are geographically separated.
Normally, facsimile machines are used in association
with telephone equipment, the data being sent along
telephone lines. Placing the facsimile machines on a
computer network presents a problem as the facsimile
machine does not have the ability to use a computer
network directly. To perform the network tasks a
computer is required, and so the first phase was to
attach the facsimile machine to a computer.
The facsimile machine is not like a standard piece of
computer equipment. We required a special hardware
interface to enable communication between the facsimile
machine and a small computer. This interface was made
to appear exactly like the telephone system to the
facsimile machine. Furthermore, the computer was
programmed to act exactly as if it were another
facsimile machine on the end of a telephone line. Thus
the local facsimile machine could transmit data to the
computer quite happily, believing that it was actually
talking to a remote facsimile machine on the other end
of a telephone wire. Because of the property of the
DACOM 6450 used in the experiment [16], the interface
could be identical to one developed for connecting to
an X25 network. The binary synchronous mode of the chip
used (SMC COM5025) was appropriate to drive the DACOM
At the other side of the computer network there was a
similar computer with an identical facsimile machine.
The problem of transmitting a facsimile picture now
appeared simple: data was taken from the facsimile
machine into the computer, transmitted over the network
as if it was normal computer data, and then sent from
the computer to the facsimile machine at the remote
end. The data being sent over the network appears
- 4 -
exactly as any other computer data; there is nothing
special about it to signify that it came from a
facsimile machine. The schematic of such facsimile
transfer system is shown in Fig. 2.
+---+ interface
! ! +--+ +-----+
! ! == ! ! == ! ! computer
+---+ +--+ +-----+
- - - - - - computer
/ \ network
\ / facsimile
- - - - - - machine
| interface +---+
+-----+ +--+ ! !
computer ! ! == ! ! == ! !
+-----+ +--+ +---+
Fig. 2 Facsimile transfer system
The experimental system was used to perform a joint
experiment between UCL and two groups in the United
States. Pictures were exchanged via the ARPANET/SATNET
[21], [22] between UCL in London, ISI in Los Angeles,
and COMSAT in Washington D.C. (Fig. 3). This
environment was chosen because no equivalent group was
available in the UK.
One problem concerned with such image data
transmission is the quantity of data. Even with data
compression, a single page of facsimile data can
produce as much computer data as would normally be
sufficient for sending over 20,000 alphabetic
characters - or over a dozen typed pages. Thus for a
given number of pages put into the system, an immense
amount of computer data is produced. This means that
the transmission will be slower than for sending text,
and that far more storage will be required to hold the
Another problem was encountered which became only too
apparent when we implemented this system. The network
we were using was often unable to keep up with the
speed of the facsimile machine. When this happened the
- 5 -
+---+ +--+ / \
! ! -- ! ! / \
+---+ +--+ / \
| \ / \
+---+ \ / \ UCL
!fax! \+--+/ \+--+ +---+
+---+ ARPANET ! ! SATNET ! ! -- ! !
/+--+ +--+ +---+
/ |
ISI / +---+
+---+ +--+ !fax!
! ! -- ! ! +---+
+---+ +--+
Fig. 3. The three participants of the facsimile experiments
computer tried to slow down the facsimile machine. The
facsimile machine would detect this 'slowness' as a
communication problem (as a telephone line would never
act in this manner), and would abandon the transfer
mid-way through the page.
This is because the the facsimile machine we were
using was never intended for use on a computer; it was
designed and built for use on telephone lines. Indeed,
being unaware that it was connected to a computer, the
facsimile machine transmitted data at a constant rate,
which exceeded the limit that the network could accept.
In other words, the computer network we were using was
not designed for the transfer rate that we were trying
to use over it.
Both these problems are surmountable. Facsimile
machines are coming on the market that are designed for
direct communication with a computer. These machines do
not mind the delays on the computer interface and are
tolerant of the stops and re-starts. On the other hand,
if there were a serious use of facsimile machines on a
computer network, the network could be designed for the
high data rate required. Our problem was aggravated by
- 6 -
using a network that was never designed for the data
rates required in our mode of usage.
Despite the problems we encountered being a result of
the experimental equipment we were working with, we
still had to improve the situation to permit more
extensive communications to take place. The easiest way
to do this was to introduce a local storage area in our
computer where the data could be held prior to
transmission. The transfer of a page is now done in
three stages. First, the facsimile data is read from
the facsimile machine and stored on a local disk. This
takes place at high speed as this is just a local
operation. When this is complete, the data is sent
over the network to a disk on the remote computer.
Finally, the data from that disk is output to the
remote facsimile machine. This improved system is
shown in Fig. 4.
computer network
fax computer - - - - computer fax
+---+ +-----+ / \ +-----+ +---+
! ! = ! ! = ==> = ! ! = ! !
+---+ +-----+ \ / +-----+ +---+
- - - + | - - - - | + - - >
| | + - - - - - - - - - + | |
| | | | | |
V | | V | |
+---+ +---+
! ! ! !
! ! ! !
+---+ +---+
disk disk
Fig. 4. The improved facsimile transfer system
The idea behind this method is to decouple the
facsimile machine from the network communications. The
data is read from the facsimile machine at full speed,
without the delays caused by the computer network.
This also has the effect of being more acceptable to
the human operators: each page is now read in less than
a minute. The transmission over the network then takes
place at whatever speed the network can sustain. This
does not affect the facsimile machines at all; they are
not involved in the sending or receiving. Only when all
the data has been received at the remote disk is the
remote facsimile machine told that the data is ready.
- 7 -
The facsimile machine is then given the data as fast as
it will accept it.
The disadvantage of such a system is that the person
sending the pages does not know how long it will be
before they are actually printed at the other side. If
several pages are input in quick succession by the
operator, they will be stored on disk; it may then be
some time before the last page is actually delivered to
the destination. This is not always a disadvantage;
where many operators are sending data to the same
destination, it is a definite advantage to be able to
input the pages and have the system deliver them when
the destination becomes free. Such a system is
preferable to use of the current telephone system where
the operator has to keep re-dialing the remote
facsimile machine until the call is answered.
2.2 Interworking with Other Equipment
2.2.1 Facsimile machines
As was mentioned earlier, facsimile machines produce
a large amount of data per page due to the way in which
the pages are encoded. To reduce the data that has to
be transmitted, various compression techniques are
employed. The manufacturers of facsimile machines have
developed proprietary ways in which the data is
compressed and encoded. Unfortunately this has meant
that interworking of different facsimile machines has
been impossible. In the system described in the last
section, exchange of pictures was only possible between
sites that had identical facsimile machines. The new
set of CCITT recommendations will reduce the extent to
which differences in equipment persist.
Having the data on a computer gives us the
opportunity to manipulate data in any way we wish. In
particular we could convert the data from the form used
in one facsimile machine to that required by another.
This means that interworking between different types of
facsimile machines can be achieved.
The development of this system took place in two
stages: the decompression of the facsimile data from
the coded form used in our machine into an internal
data form and the recompression of the data in the
internal form into the encoded form required for the
destination machine. Two programs were developed to
perform these two operations.
- 8 -
At the same time we were developing compression and
decompression programs for machines that use other
techniques. In particular, we developed programs to
handle the recently approved CCITT recommendation for
facsimile compression [15]. The CCITT came up with two
varieties of compression, depending upon the resolution
being used.
Unfortunately there were no facsimile machines on the
network that use the CCITT compression technique.
However, the programming of the new methods achieved
two goals: it proved that the data could be converted
inside a small computer, so that machines of different
types could be supported on the network, and it enabled
us to compare the compression results. These are
described in more detail in [13]. Essentially, these
show that the DACOM technique used by our facsimile
machine is comparatively poor, and that considerably
less data need be transmitted if some other method is
used. This brings up another possibility: we could
change the compression of the data to reduce the volume
for transmission and then change the data back again at
the destination. This may save considerable
transmission time, especially if fast computers or
special hardware was easily available. This has not
been tried yet in our system, as none of the other
users on the network have the capability of changing
the data format back into that required by their
There are many other more efficient compression
schemes, e.g. block compression [7] and predictive
compression [8], but we have not yet incorporated them
into our system.
2.2.2 Output Devices
One area that we have explored is the use of devices
other than facsimile machines for outputting the data.
Facsimile machines are both expensive to buy and
relatively slow to operate. We have investigated the
use of a TV-like screen to display the data, just as
character VDUs are commonly used to display text. This
activity requires bit-map displays, with an address in
memory for each postion on the screen. Full colour and
multiple shades can be used with appropriately large
bit-map storage. Although simple in principle, the
implementation of the relevant techniques took
considerable effort.
- 9 -
The problems arise in the way that the facsimile
image is encoded. Raw facsimile images consist of rows
of small dots, each dot recorded as a black or white
space. When these dots are arranged together they build
up a picture in a similar manner to the way in which a
newspaper picture is made up. Unfortunately the number
of dots used in a facsimile page is not the same as the
number used on most screens. For instance, the DACOM
facsimile machine uses 1726 dots across each page, but
across a screen there are usually just 512 dots. Thus
to show the picture on the screen the 1726 dots must be
'squeezed' into just 512 dots; stated another way, 1214
dots must be thrown away without losing the picture!
It is in reducing the number of picture elements that
the problem arises. We could just every third dot or
so from the facsimile page and just display those.
Alternatively, we could take three or more at a time
and try to convert the group of them into a single
black or white dot. Unfortunately, in both these
cases, data can get lost that is necessary to the
picture. For instance, a facsimile encoding of an
architect drawing could easily end up with a complete
line removed, radically changing the presentation of
the image.
After much experimentation, we developed a method of
reducing the number of dots without destroying the
picture. This is a thinning technique, whereby key
elements of the picture are thinned, but not removed.
Occasionally, when the detail gets too fine, some
elements are merged, but under these circumstances the
eye would not have been able to see the detail anyway.
The details of this technique are described in [3] and
It may also be required that a picture be enlarged.
This enlargement can be done by simply duplicating each
pixel in the picture. For a non-integral ratio, the
picture can be expanded up to the nearest integer and
then shrunk to the correct size. However, this method
may degrade the image quality, e.g. the oblique contour
may become stepped, especially when the picture is
enlarged too much. This problem can be solved by using
an iterative enlargement algorithm. Each time a pixel
is replaced with a 2x2 array of pixels, whose pattern
depends on the original pixel and the pixels
surrounding it. This procedure is repeated until the
requested ratio is reached. If the ration is not a
power of 2's, the same method as that for non-integral
ratios is used.
- 10 -
As a side effect of developing this technique, we
could freely change the size and shape of an image.
The picture can be expanded or shrunk, or it can be
distorted. Distortion, whereby the horizontal and
vertical dimensions of the image may be changed by
different amounts, is often useful in image editing.
The immediate consequence of this ability to change
the image size meant that we could display the image on
a screen as well as output the image on a facsimile
machine. To a user of a computerised facsimile system
this could be a very useful feature: images can be
displayed on screen much faster than on a facsimile
machine, and displays are significantly cheaper than
the facsimile machines as well. It is possible that an
installation could have many screen displays where the
image could be viewed, but perhaps only one facsimile
machine would be available for hard copy. This would be
similar to many computer configurations today where the
number of printers is limited due to their cost, and
display screens are far more numerous.
2.3 Image Enhancement
One aspect of computer processing that we wanted to
investigate was that of image enhancement. Enhancing
the image is a very tricky operation; as the name
implies it means that the image is improved in some
sense. Under program control this is difficult to
achieve: what the program thinks is an improvement, the
human might judge to be distinctly worse.
Our enhancement attempts were aimed particularly at
printed documents and other forms of typed text. The
experiment was double pronged: we hoped to make the
image easier to read by humans while also making the
image easier for the computer to handle.
In our earlier experiments we had noticed that the
encoding of printed matter was often very poor. This
was especially noticeable when we enlarged an image.
Rather than each character having smooth edges as on
the original document, the edges were very rough,
unexpected notches and excrescences being caused by the
facsimile scanner. They not only degrade the image
quality but also decrease the compression efficiency. A
typical enlargement of several characters is shown in
Fig. 5.
- 11 -
Fig 5. An enlargement of an typed text
The enhancement method we adopted was first employed
at Loughborough University [5]. This method has the
effect of smoothing the edges of the dark areas on the
image. The technique consists of considering each dot
in the image in turn. The dot is either left as it is
- 12 -
or changed to the opposite colour (white to black or
black to white) depending upon the eight dots that
surround it. The particular pattern of surrounding dots
that are required to change the inner dot's colour is
used to control the harshness of the algorithm [6],
In our first set of experiments the result was
definitely worse than the original. Although square-
like characters such as H, L, and T came out very well,
anything with slope (M, V, W, or S) became so bad that
the oblique contours were stepped. The method was
subsequently modified to produce a result that was far
more acceptable; the image looked a lot cleaner than
the original. Fig. 6 shows the same text as that in
Fig. 5, but after it has been cleaned.
- 13 -
Fig. 6 A cleaned text
The effect of these can be difficult to see clearly.
We have used the colour on our Grinnell display to show
the original picture and the outcome of various picture
processing operations superposed in different colours.
This brings out the effect of the operations very
- 14 -
It was mentioned above that the enhancement was done
not only to improve the image for reading but also for
easier processing by the computer. As described
earlier, the image from the facsimile machine is
compressed in order to reduce the amount of data. The
cleaning allows a higher compression rate so that more
efficient transmission and/or storage can be achieved.
We learned some important lessons from the
enhancement exercise. Originally we thought that the
main attraction in enhancement would be to improve the
readability. In the end, we found that improving the
readability was very difficult, especially because the
facsimile image was so poor. Instead we found that the
effect of reducing the compressed output was more
important. By reducing the data to be transmitted by a
quarter, significant savings could be made. But before
such a technique could be used in a live system, the
time it takes to produce the enhancement must be
weighed against the time that would be saved in
2.4 Image Editing
By editing we mean that the facsimile picture can be
changed, or combined with other pictures, while it is
stored inside the computer. In previous sections it
was mentioned that we could change the size and shape
of a facsimile image. This technique was later combined
with an overlaying method that enabled one picture to
be combined with another [12].
In order to perform any editing it is necessary to
have the picture displayed for the user to see. In our
case we displayed the picture on the bit-map screen.
The image took up the left-hand side of the screen, the
right side being reserved for the picture that was
being built. The user could select an area of the
left-hand screen and move it to a position on the
right-hand screen. Several images could be displayed
in succession on the left, and areas selected and moved
to the right. Finally, the right-hand screen could be
printed on the facsimile machine.
The selection of an area of the picture was done by
the use of a coloured rectangular subsection,
controlled by a program in the computer, that could be
moved around on the screen. The rectangular subsection
- 15 -
was moved with instructions typed in by the operator;
it could be moved up or down, and increased or
decreased in size. When the appropriate area of the
screen had been selected, the program remembered the
coordinates and moved the coloured rectangular
subsection to the right-hand side of the screen. The
user then selected an area again, in a similar manner.
When the user finished the editing, the program removed
the part of the picture selected from the left-hand
screen and converted it to fit the shape of the
rectangular subsection on the right-hand screen. The
result was then displayed for the user to see.
When an image was being edited, the editor had to
keep another scaled copy for display. This is due to
the fact that the screen had a different dimension to
that of the facsimile machine. The editing operations,
e.g. chopping and merging, were performed on the
original image data files with the full resolution
available on the facsimile machine.
2.5 Integration with Other Data Types
The facsimile machine can be viewed in a wider
context than merely a facsimile input/output device. It
can work as a printer for other data representation
types, such as coded character text and geometric
graphics. At present, text can be converted into
facsimile format and printed on the facsimile machine.
Moreover, mixed pages containing pictures and text can
be manipulated by our system. The integration of
facsimile images with geometric graphics is a topic of
future research.
In order to convert a character string into its
facsimile format, the system maintains a translation
table whereby the patterns of the characters available
in the system can be retrieved. The input character
string is translated into a set of scan lines, each of
which is created by concatenating the corresponding
patterns of the characters in the string.
The translation table is in fact a software font,
which can be edited and modified. Even though only one
font is available in our system for the time being, it
is quite easy to introduce other character fonts.
Furthermore, it is also possible for a font to be
remotely loaded from a database via the communication
- 16 -
This allows for more interesting applications of the
facsimile machine. For example, it could serve as a
Teletex printer, provided that the Teletex character
font is included in our system. In this case, the text
images may be distorted to fit the presentation format
requested by the Teletex service. Similarly, Prestel
viewdata pages could be displayed on the Grinnell
Moreover, pictures can be mixed with text by
combining this text conversion with the editing
described in the previous section. This should be
regarded as a notable step towards multi-type
Not only does this support a local multi-type
environment but multi-type information can be
transmitted over a network. So far as this facsimile
system is concerned, a mixed page containing text and
pictures can be sent only when it has been represented
in a bit-map format. However, much more efficient
transmission would be achieved if one could transmit
the text and pictures separately and reproduce the page
at the destination site. This requires that a multi-
type data structure be designed which is understood by
the two communication sites.
Now let us discuss the general disciplines for design
and implementation of a computerised facsimile system
which carries out the functions described in the
previous sections. Having discussed the requirements
of the system, a hierarchical model is introduced in
which the modules of different layers are implemented
as separate processes. The Clean and Simple interface,
which is adopted for inter-process communication, is
then described. The task controller, which is
responsible for organising the tasks involved in a
requested job, is discussed in detail. Some efforts
have been made in our experimental work to provide a
more convenient user programming environment and a more
efficient data transfer method. This is finally
3.1 System Requirements
In a computerised facsimile system, the images are
represented in a digital form. To carry out this
- 17 -
conversion, a page is scanned by the optical scanner of
the facsimile machine, a digital number being produced
to represent the darkness of each pixel. As high
resolution has to be adopted to keep the detail of the
image, the facsimile data files are usually rather
large. In order to achieve efficient storage and
transmission, the facsimile data must be compressed as
much as possible.
Currently, the facsimile machines made by different
manufacturers h different properties, such as
different compression methods and different resolution.
There are also some international standards for
facsimile data compression, which are employed for the
facsimile data to be transferred over the public data
network. These require that the facsimile data be
converted from one representation form to another, so
that users who are separated geographically and use
different machines can communicate with each other.
More sophisticated applications, e.g. image editing,
request processing facilities of the system as well.
When being processed, the facsimile image should be
represented in a common format or internal data
structure, which is used to pass the information
between different processing routines. For the sake of
convenience and efficiency, the internal data structure
should be fairly well compressed and its format should
be easy for the computer to manipulate. In our
experimental work, the line vector is chosen as a
standard unit, a simple run-length compression being
employed [3]. Some processing routines may use other
data formats, e.g. bit-map, but it is the
responsibility of such routines to perform the
conversion between those formats and the standard one.
The system should contain several processing
routines, each of which performs one primitive task,
such as chopping, merging, and scale-changing. An
immense variety of processing operations can be carried
out as long as those task modules can be organised
flexibly. The capability for flexible task organisation
should be thought of as one of the most important
requirements of the system.
One possibility is for the processing routines
involved to be executed separately, temporary files
being used as communication media. Though very simple,
this method is far too inefficient.
- 18 -
As described above, the information unit for the
communication between the processing routines is the
line vector, so that the routines can be organised as
embedded loops, where a processing routine takes the
input line from its source routine located in the inner
loop, and passes the output line to the destination
routine located in the outer loop [3]. Obviously this
method is quite efficient. But it is not realistic for
our system, because it is very difficult to build up
different processing loops at run-time and flexible
task organisation is impossible.
In a real-time operating system environment, the
primitive tasks can be implemented as separate
processes. This method, which is discussed in detail in
the following sections, provides the required
3.2 Hierarchical Model
As shown in Fig. 7, the modules in a single computer
fall into three layers.
! ! task controller
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
| | |
+---+ +---+ +---+
! ! ! ! device drivers ! !
+---+ +---+ +---+
- - - | - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - -
+---+ +---+ +---+
! ! ! ! physical | !
! ! ! ! devices ! !
+---+ +---+ +---+
Fig. 7 The hierarchical model
These are:
(1) Device Drivers, which constitute the lowest layer
in the model. The modules in this layer deal with
I/O activities of the physical devices, such as
- 19 -
facsimile machine, display and floppy disk. This
layer frees the task modules of upper layer from
the burden of I/O programming.
(2) Tasks, which perform all processing primitives and
handle different data structures. Above the driver
of each physical device, there are one or more
such device-independent modules, which work as
information source or sink in the task chain (see
below). A file system module allows other modules
to store and retrieve information on the secondary
storage device such as floppy disk. Decompression
and recompression routines convert data structures
of facsimile image information so that the
facsimile machines can communicate with the rest
of the system. Processing primitives, e.g.
chopping, merging, scaling, are implemented as
task modules in this layer. They are designed such
that they can be concatenated to carry out more
complex jobs. So far as the system is concerned,
the protocols for data transmission over computer
networks are also regarded as task modules in this
(3) Task Controller, which organises the task
processes to perform the specified job. It
provides the users of the application layer with a
procedure-oriented language whereby the requested
job can be defined as a chain of task modules.
Literally, the chain is represented by a character
According to such a command, the task controller
selects the relevant task modules and concatenates
them in proper order by means of logical links.
Then the tasks on the chain are executed under its
control, so that the data taken from the source
are processed and the result is put into the sink.
3.3 Clean and Simple Interface
It is important, in this application, to develop the
software in a modular way. It is desirable to put
together a set of modules to carry out the different
image processing tasks. Another set of transport
modules must be developed for shipping data over the
- 20 -
different networks to which the UCL system is attached.
In our computerised facsimile system, these task
modules are implemented as separate processes. The
operation of the system relies on the communication
between these processes. The interface which is used
for such communication has been designed to be
universal; it is independent of these modules, and has
been termed the Clean and Simple interface [20]. This
interface is discussed in this section.
3.3.1 Principles
The Clean and Simple interface is concerned with the
synchronisation and transfer of full-duplex data
streams between two communicating processes. Thus the
interface has three major components: connection
synchronisation, data transfer and connection
desynchronisation. These components are discussed
The connection between two processes is initiated by
one of them, which, generally speaking, belongs to a
higher layer. For example, the interface between
protocols of different layers is always initiated by
the higher layer, though, sometimes, the connection is
initiated passively by the primitive 'listen'. It will
be seen in the next section that task processes can
communicate with each other via the connections to the
higher layer (task controller) and this makes it
possible to achieve flexible task organisation.
The process initiating the connection is called the
'master' process, while the other is called the 'slave'
process. The 'master' process is also responsible for
resource allocation for the two communicating
processes. Here 'resource' refers mainly to the memory
areas for the message structure and data buffer. This
asymmetric definition of the interface eliminates any
possible confusion in resource allocation.
The interface is implemented by using the signal-wait
mechanism provided by the operating system. A data
structure called CSB (Clean and Simple Block), which
contains function, data buffer, and other information,
is sent as the event message, when one process signals
another [20].
- 21 -
3.3.2 Synchronisation and Desynchronisation
The procedure for connection synchronisation is
composed of two steps. First, the two processes
exchange their identifiers for the specific connection
by means of a getcid primitive. Usually, the pointer
to the task control structure of the process is used as
the connection identifier.
Then, the 'master' sends an open CSB with appropriate
parameter string passing the initialisation
information. This information, which can also be called
open parameter, is process dependent, or more
accurately, task dependent. For example, the parameters
for the file system should be the file name and the
access mode. Provided the 'slave' accepts the request,
the connection is established successfully and data can
be transferred via the interface.
In order to desynchronise the connection, the
'master' initiates a 'close' action. On the other hand,
an error state or EOF (end of file) state can be
reported by the 'slave' to request a connection
The listen primitive in our system is reserved for
the processes that receive a request from the remote
hosts on the networks.
3.3.3 Data Transfer
While the Clean and Simple interface is asymmetric in
relation to connection synchronisation, data transfer
is completely symmetric so long as the connection has
been established. Data flows in both directions are
permitted, though the operations are quite different.
The interface provides two primitives for data
transfer -- read and write. To transfer some data to
the 'slave', the 'master' signals it with a CSB
containing the write function and a buffer filled with
the data to be transferred. Having consumed the data,
the 'slave' returns the CSB to report the result status
of the transmission.
On the other hand, in order to receive some data from
the 'slave', the 'master' uses a read CSB with an empty
buffer. Having received the CSB, the 'slave' fills the
buffer with the data requested and, then, returns the
- 22 -
3.4 Control and Organisation of the Tasks
Another important aspect of the multi-process
architecture of the UCL facsimile system, is the need
to systematise the control and organisation of the
tasks. This activity is the function of the task
controller, whose operations are discussed in this
3.4.1 Command Language
As mentioned earlier, the task controller supports a
procedure-oriented language by means of which the user
or the routines of the upper layers can define the jobs
requested. A command should contain the following
1. the names of the task processes which are involved
in the job.
2. the open parameters for these task processes.
3. the order in which the tasks are to be linked.
The last item is quite important, though, usually,
the same order as that given in the command is used.
A command in this language is presented as a zero-
ended character string. In the task name strings and
the attribute strings of the open parameters, '|', '"',
and ',' must be excluded as they will be treated as
separators. The definition is shown below, where '|',
which is the separator of the command strings in the
language, does not mean 'OR'.
<command_string> ::= <task_string>
<command_string> ::= <task_string>|<command_string>
<task_string> ::= <task_name>
<task_string> ::= <task_name>"<open_parameter>
<open_parameter> ::= <attribute>
<open_parameter> ::= <attribute>,<open_parameter>
3.4.2 Task Controller
In our experimental work, the task controller module
is called fitter. This name which is borrowed from
UNIX hints how the module works. According to the
command string, it links the specified tasks into a
chain, along which the data is processed to fulfil the
- 23 -
job requested (Fig. 8).
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
! a ! -> ! b ! -> ! c !
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
Fig. 8 The task chain
Since all modules, including fitter itself, are
implemented as processes, the connections between
modules should be via the Clean and Simple interfaces.
Upon receiving the command string, the fitter parses
the string to find each task process involved and opens
a connection to it. Formally, the task processes are
chained directly, but, logically, there is no direct
connection between them. All of them are connected to
the fitter (Fig. 9).
+-- ! ! --+
| +-------------+ |
| | |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
! a ! ! b ! ! c !
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
Fig. 9 The connection initiated by the fitter
For each of the processes it connects, the fitter
keeps a table called pipe. When the command string is
parsed, the pipe tables are double-linked to represent
the specified order of data flow. So far as one process
is concerned, its pipe table contains two pointers: a
forward one pointing to its destination and a backward
one pointing to its sources. Besides the pointers, it
also maintains the information to identify the task
process and the corresponding connection.
- 24 -
Fig. 10 illustrates the chain of the pipe tables for
the job "a|b|c". Note that the forward (output) chain
ends at the sink, while the backward (input) chain ends
at the source. In this sense, the task processes are
chained in the specified order via the fitter (Fig.
11). The data transfer along the chain is initiated and
controlled by the fitter, each process getting the
input from its source and putting the output to its
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
! * -+--> ! * -+--> ! 0 !
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
! 0 ! <--+- * ! <--+- * !
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
! a ! ! b ! ! c !
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
Fig. 10 The pipe chain
+-> ! * -> * -> * ! --+
| +-------------+ |
| | A |
| V | V
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
! a ! ! b ! ! c !
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
Fig. 11 The data flow
This strategy makes the task organisation so flexible
that only the links have to be changed when a new task
chain is to be built up. In such an environment, each
task process can be implemented independently, provided
the Clean and Simple interface is supported. This also
makes the system extension quite easy.
- 25 -
The fitter manipulates one job at a time. But it must
maintain a command queue to cope with the requests,
which come simultaneously from either the upper level
processes or other hosts on the network.
3.5 Interface Routines
In a modular, multi-process system such as the UCL
facsimile system, the structure of the interface
routines is very important. The CSI of section 3.3 is
fundamental to the modular interface; a common control
structure is also essential. This section gives some
details both about the sharable control structure and
the buffer management.
3.5.1 Sharable Control Structure
Though the CSI specification is straightforward, the
implementation of the inter-process communication
interface may be rather tedious, especially in our
system, where there are many task processes to be
written. Not only does each process have to implement
the same control structure for signal handling, but
also the buffer management routines must be included in
all the processes.
For the sake of simplicity and efficiency, a package
of standard interface routines is provided which are
shared by the task processes in the system. These
routines are re-entrant, so that they can be shared by
all processes.
The 'csinit' primitive is called for a task process
to check in. An information table is allocated and the
pointer to the table is returned to the caller as the
task identifier, which is to be used for each call of
these interface routines.
Then, each task process waits by invoking the
'csopen' primitive which does not return until the
calling process is scheduled. When the connection
between the process and the fitter is established, the
call returns the pointer to the open parameter string
of the task, the corresponding task being started. A
typical structure of the task process (written in c) is
shown below. After the task program is executed, the
process calls the 'csopen' and waits again. It can be
seen that the portability of the task routines is
improved to a great extent. Only the interface routines
- 26 -
should be changed if the system were to run in a
different operating environment.
static int mytid; /* task identifier */
char *op; /* open parameter */
mytid = csinit();
for(;;) {
op = csopen(mytid);
... /* the body of the task */
3.5.2 Buffer Management
The package of the interface routines also provides a
universal buffer management, so that the task processes
are freed from this burden. The allocation of the data
buffers is the responsibility of the higher level
process, the fitter. If the task processes allocated
their own buffers, some redundant copying would have to
be done. Thus, the primitives for data transfer,
'csread' and 'cswrite', are designed as:
char *csread(tid, need);
char *cswrite(tid, need);
where 'tid' is the identifier of the task and 'need' is
the number of data bytes to be transferred. The
primitives return the pointer to the area satisfying
the caller's requirement. The 'csread' returns an area
containing the data required by the caller. The
'cswrite' returns an area into which the caller can
copy the data to be transferred. The copied data will
be written to its destination at a proper time without
the caller's interference. Obviously the unnecessary
copy operations can be avoided. It is recommended that
the data buffer returned by the primitives be used
directly to attain higher performance.
- 27 -
In order to implement this strategy, each time a
piece of data is required, the size of the buffer
needed is compared with that of the unused buffer area
in the current CSB. If the latter is not less than the
former, the current buffer pointer is returned.
Otherwise, a temporary buffer has to be employed. The
data is copied into the buffer until the requested size
is reached. In this case, instead of a part of the
current buffer, the temporary buffer will be returned.
A 'cswrite' call with the 'need' field set to zero
tells the interface routine that no more data will be
sent. It causes a 'close' CSB to be sent to the
destination routine.
If there is not enough data available, 'csread'
returns zero to indicate the end of data.
Now we discuss the implementation of the computerised
facsimile system developed in the Department of
Computer Science at UCL.
This system has several components. Since the total
system is a modular and multi-process one, a specific
system must be built up for a specific application. The
way that this is done is discussed in section 4.1. The
specific devices and their drivers are described in
section 4.2. The system can be attached to a number of
networks. In the UCL configuration, the network
interface can be direct to SATNET [22], SERC NET [23],
PSS [24], and the Cambridge Ring. The form of network
connection is discussed further in section 4.3. The
system must transfer data between the facsimile devices
and the disks, and between the networks and the disks.
For this a filing system is required which is discussed
in section 4.4.
A key aspect of the UCL system is flexibility of
devices, networks, and data formats. The flexibility of
device is achieved by the modular nature of the device
drivers (section 4.2). The flexibility of network is
discussed in section 4.8. The additional flexibility of
data structure is described in section 4.5. The
flexibility can be utilised by incorporating conversion
routines as in section 4.6. An important aspect of the
UCL system is the ability to provide local manipulation
facilities for the graphics files. The facilities
implemented for the local manipulation are discussed in
- 28 -
section 4.7. In order to transfer files over the
different networks of section 4.3. a high level data
transmission protocol must be defined. The procedures
used in the UCL system are discussed in section 4.8.
4.1 Multi-Task Structure
The task controller and processing tasks are
implemented as MOS processes. A number of utility
routines are provided for users to build new task
processes and modules at application level.
In the environment of MOS, a process is included in a
system by specifying a Process Control Table when the
system is built up. The macro 'setpcte' is used for
this purpose, the meaning of its parameters being
defined in [14].
#define setpcte(name,entry,pridev,prodev,stklen,
A Device Control Table (DCT) has to be specified for
each device when the system is built up. A DCT can be
defined anywhere as devices are referenced by the DCT
address. The macro 'setdcte' is designed to declare
devices, the meanings of its parameters being specified
in [14]. This method is used in the device
#define setdcte(name,intvec,devcsr,devbuf,devinit,
4.2 The Devices
As mentioned in section 2, apart from the general
purpose system console, there are three devices in the
system to support the facsimile service. These are:
(1) AED62 Floppy Disk, which is used as the secondary
memory storing the facsimile image data. Above its
driver, a file system is implemented to manage the
data stored on the disks, so that an image data
- 29 -
file can be accessed through the Clean and Simple
interface. This file system is dicussed in detail
in the next section. For some processing jobs, the
image data has to buffered on a temporary file
lest time-out occurs on the facsimile machine.
(2) DACOM Facsimile Machine, which is used to input
and output image data. It reads an image and
creates the corresponding data stream. On other
hand, it accepts the image data and reproduces the
corresponding image. Above its driver, there is a
interface task to fit the facsimile machine into
the system, the Clean and Simple interface being
supported. The encoding algorithm for the DACOM
machine is described in [19].
(3) Grinnell Colour Display, which is used as the
monitor of the system. Above its driver, an
interface task is implemented so that the image
data in standard format can be accepted through
the Clean and Simple interface.
The detailed description of these devices can be
found in Appendix 1. The interface task and the
description for each device are listed in the following
table. The interface tasks can be directly used as data
source or sink in a task string.
Device Interface Task Description
AED62 Floppy Disk fs() aed62(device)
DACOM fax Machine fax() dacom(device)
Grinnell Display grinnell() grinnell(device)
Note that the DCTs for the facsimile machine and
Grinnell display have been included in the
corresponding interface tasks, so that there is no need
to declare them if these tasks are used.
4.3 The Networks
There are three relevant wide-area networks
terminating in the Department of Computer Science at
the end of 1981. These are:
(1) A British Telecom X25 network (PSS, [24]).
(2) A private X25 network (SERC NET, [23])
- 30 -
(3) A Defence network (ARPANET/SATNET, [21], [22])
In addition there is a Cambridge Ring as a local
For the time being, the UCL facsimile system is
directly attached to the various networks at the point
NI (Network Interface) of Fig. 1.
As mentioned earlier, pictures can be exchanged via
the SATNET/ARPANET, between UCL in London, ISI in Los
Angeles, and COMSAT in Washington D.C.. The Network
Independent File Transfer Protocol (NIFTP, [9]) is used
to transfer the image data. This protocol has been
implemented on LSI under MOS [10]. In addition, we at
UCL have put NIFTP on an ARPANET TOPS-20 host, which
can act as an Internet File Forwader (IFF). In this
case, TCP/IP ([28], [29]) is employed as the underlying
transport service. Since TCP provides reliable
communication channels, the provision of checkpoints
and error-recovery procedures are not included in our
NIFTP implementations.
In the X25 network, the transport procedure is
NITS/X25 ([25], [26]). Though pictures can be
transferred to the X25 networks, no experimental work
has been done, because:
(1) There is at present no collaborative partner on
these networks.
(2) The LSI-11, on which our system is implemented,
has no direct connection to these networks.
Locally, image data can be transmitted to the
PDP11-44s running the UNIX time-sharing operating
system. At present, the SCP ring-driver software uses
permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) to connect the
various computers on the ring.
4.4 File System
A file system has been designed, based on the AED62
double density floppy disk, for use under MOS. It is
itself implemented as a MOS process supporting the
Clean and Simple interface. The description of this
task, fs(fax), can be found in Appendix 2.
- 31 -
In a command string, the file system task can only
serve as either data source or data sink. In other
words, it can only appear at the first or last position
on a command string. In the former case, the file
specified is to be read, while the file is to be
written in the latter case.
Three access modes are allowed which are:
* Read a file
* Create a file
* Append a file
The file name and access mode are specified as the
open parameters.
Let us consider an example. If a document is to be
read on the facsimile machine and the data stream
created is to be stored on the file system, the command
string required is:
where: fax - interface task for facsimile machine
r - read from facsimile machine
fs - file system task
c - create a new file
doc - the name of the file to be created.
In order to dump a file, a task process od() is
provided which works as a data sink in a command
4.5 Data Structure
Facsimile image data is created using a high-
resolution raster scanner, so that the original picture
can be reproduced faithfully. The facsimile data
represents binary images, in monochrome, with two
levels of intensity, belonging to the data type of
bit-mapped graphics.
The simplest representation is the bit-map itself.
The bits, each of which corresponds to a single picture
element, are arranged in the same order as that in
which the original picture is scanned, 1s standing for
- 32 -
black pixels and 0s for white ones. Operations on the
picture are easily carried out. For example, two images
represented in the bit-map format can be merged
together by using a simple logic OR operation. Any
specific pixel can be retrieved by a simple
calculation. However, its size is usually large because
of the high resolution. This makes it almost
unrealistic for storage or transmission.
Facsimile image data should therefore be compressed
to reduce its redundancy, so that the efficient storage
and transmission can be achieved.
Run-length encoding is a useful compression scheme.
Instead of the pattern, the counts of consecutive black
and white runs are used to represent the image.
Vector representation, in which the run-lengths are
coded as integers or bytes, is a useful internal
representation of images. Not only is it reasonably
compressed, but it is also quite easy for processing.
Chopping, scaling and mask-scanning are examples of the
processing operations which may be performed.
Furthermore, a conversion between different compression
schemes may have to be carried out in such a way that
the data is first decompressed into the vector format
and then recompressed. The difficulty in retrieval can
be overcome by means of line index, which gives the
pointers to each lines of the image.
A higher compression rate leads to a more efficient
transmission. But this is at the expense of ease of
processing. An example of this is the use of Huffman
Code in the CCITT 1-dimensional compression scheme.
While the data can be compressed more efficiently, it
is rather difficult to manipulate the data direcltly.
Taking the correlation between adjacent lines into
account, 2-dimensional compression can achieve an even
higher compression rate. CCITT 2-dimensional
compression and the DACOM facsimile machine use this
It is desirable to integrate facsimile images with
other data types, such as text and geometric graphics;
the structure of these other types must then be
incorporated in the system. At present, only text
structure is available, while the structure for
geometric graphics is a topic for the further study.
- 33 -
In the facsimile system, the following data
structures are supported. The corresponding
descriptions, if any, are listed as well and they can
be found in Appendix 3 (except of dacom(device)).
type structure compression description
bit-map bit-map - -
vector 1D run-length vector(fax)
dacom block 2D run-length dacom(device)
CCITT T4 1D run-length t4(fax)
2D run-length t4(fax)
text text - text(fax)
As an internal data structure, vector format is
widely used for data transfer between task processes.
The set of interface routines has been extended by
introducing two subroutines, namely getl() and putl(),
which read and write line vectors directly through the
Clean and Simple interface. These two routines can be
found in Appendix 3 (getl(fax) and putl(fax))
In order to check the validity of a vector file, a
check task process check() is provided which works as a
data sink in a command string. It can also dump the
vector elements of the specific lines.
4.6 Data Conversion
In order to convert one data structure into another,
several conversion modules are provided in this system.
These modules fall into two categories, task processes
and subroutines. The task processes are MOS processes
which can only be used in the environment described in
this note, while the subroutines which are written in c
and compatible under UNIX are more generally usable.
Character strings or text can be converted into
vector format, so that an integrated image combining
picture and text can be formed.
The following table lists these conversion modules,
including their functions and descriptions (which can
be found in Appendix 3).
- 34 -
module type from to description
decomp process dacom vector decomp(fax)
recomp process vector dacom recomp(fax)
ccitt process vector t4 ccitt(fax)
t4 vector
bitmap subroutine vector bitmap bit-map(fax)
tovec subroutine bitmap vector tovec(fax)
ts subroutine ASCII string vector ts(fax)
string process ASCII string vector string(fax)
tf process text vector tf(fax)
Since each DACOM block contains a Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC) field, the system supplies a subroutine
crc() to calculate or check the CRC code. (see
If a vector file is to be printed on the DACOM
facsimile machine, the image data should be re-
compressed into the DACOM-block format, the required
command string being shown below.
where fs - file system task
e - read an existing file
ic - file name
recomp - re-compression task
fax - interface task for facsimile machine
w - print an image on facsimile machine
4.7 Image Manipulation
Four processing task processes are provided in the
system. These are:
(1) Chop, which applies a defined window to the input
(2) Scale, which enlarges or shrinks the input image
to the defined dimensions.
(3) Merge, which puts the input image on the specified
area of a background image.
- 35 -
(4) Clean, which removes the noise on the input image.
The Clean and Simple interfaces are supported in
these processing tasks so that the tasks can be used in
command strings. However, these tasks can be neither
source nor sink in a command string. The data format
of their input and output is vector.
For example, a facsimile page can be cleaned and then
printed on the facsimile machine. Note that the image
data must be recompressed before being sent to the
facsimile machine. If the original data is the form of
DACOM block, it has to be decompressed as the
processing tasks only accept line vectors. The
required command string is shown below.
where fs - file system task
e - read an existing file
page - file name
clean - cleaning task
recomp - re-compression task
fax - interface task for facsimile machine
w - print an image on facsimile machine
The descriptions of these processing tasks can be
found in Appendix 2 (chop(fax), scale(fax), merge(fax),
and clean(fax)).
In tasks 'chop' and 'merge', a window is set by
giving the coordinates of its vertices. However, it is
usually rather difficult for a human user to decide the
exact coordinates. The system supplies a subroutine
choice() which specifies a rectangular subsection of an
image by interactive manipulations of a rectangular
subsection on the screen of the Grinnell display
displaying the image. It provides a set of interactive
commands whereby a user can intuitively choose an area
he is interested in. Note that this subroutine must be
called by a MOS process and the Grinnell display must
be included in the system.
By means of these image processing modules, the image
editing described in section 2.4 can be carried out.
Let us consider an example. An image abstracted from a
picture 'a' is to be merged onto a specified area of
another picture 'b'. First of all, the two pictures 'a'
- 36 -
and 'b' should be displayed on the left half and right
half of the screen, respectively. Assume that the two
pictures are standard DACOM pages whose dimensions are
1726x1200. They have to be shrunk to fit the dimension
of the half screen (256x512). Note that if the data
format is not vector, conversion should be carried out
first. the required command strings are:
where fs - file system task
e - read an existing file
a - file name
b - file name
scale - scale task
1726,1200 - old dimension
256,512 - new dimension
grinnell - grinnell display interface task
0,511,255,0 - presentation area (the left half)
256,511,511,0 - presentation area (the right half)
z - zero write mode
g - green
b - blue
In an application process, the subroutine choice() is
called in the following ways for the user to choose the
areas on both pictures.
- 37 -
choice(r, 1726, 1200, 1, 0, 0);
/* choice the area on 'a' */
/* r - red
1726 - width of the original picture
1200 - height of the original picture
1 - left half of the screen
0 - the subsection can be of any width
0 - the subsection can be of any height
choice(r, 1726, 1200, 2, 0, 0);
/* choice the area on 'b' */
/* r - red
1726 - width of the original picture
1200 - height of the original picture
2 - right half of the screen
0 - the subsection can be of any width
0 - the subsection can be of any height
When the user finishes editing, the coordinates of
the chosen rectangular areas are returned. An example
is given in the table below. The widths and heights
listed in the table are actually calculated from the
coordinates returned and they indicate that the source
image has to be enlarged to fit its destination.
(0, 0)
+-------------------------------> x
| (x0, y0) w
| +--------------------+
| ! !
| ! !
| ! ! h
| ! !
| ! !
| +--------------------+
| (x1, y1)
original x0 y0 x1 y1 w h
a 30 40 100 120 70 80
b 100 100 1100 1100 1000 1000
- 38 -
At this stage, our final goal can be achieved by
performing a job specified below. It is assumed that
the result image is to be stored as a new file 'c'.
where fs - file system task
e - read an existing file
a - file name
chop - chop task
30,40,100,120 - the area to be abstracted
scale - scale task
70,80 - old dimension
1000,1000 - new dimension
merge - merge task
b - file name of the background image
0 - to be overlaid
100,100,1100,1100 - the area to be overlaid
fs - file system task
c - create a new file
c - the name of the file to be
4.8 Data Transmission
In order to transmit facsimile image data over
computer networks, using the configuration of Fig. 1,
the Network Independent File Transfer Protocol [9] is
implemented as a MOS task process, the Clean and Simple
interface of section 3.3 being supported [10]. Thus
this module can be used in a command string directly.
In this case, the module always works in the initiator
mode, though the server mode is supported as well. Its
description can be found in Appendix 2 (ftp(fax)).
As a network-independent protocol, it employs a
transport service to communicate across the networks.
The Clean and Simple interface is also used for the
communication between the module and transport service
Suppose that an image file stored in a remote file
system is to be printed on the local facsimile machine.
Assume that the data is transmitted via the ARPANET
[21], Transport Control Protocol (TCP) [28] being used
as the underlying transport service. As was described
- 39 -
before, since the delay caused by the network may
result in a time-out on the local facsimile machine,
the job should be divided into two subjobs.
(1) The remote file is transmitted by using NIFTP
module. However, instead of being put on the
facsimile machine directly, the received data is
store in a temporary file.
where ftp - NIFTP task
t - receive
b - binary
ucl - remote user name
fax - remote password
pic - remote file name
tcp - transport service process
parameters for the transport service:
1234 - local channel number
10,3,3,42 - remote address
4521 - channel reserved for the
remote server
fs - local file system task
c - create a new file
tmp - the name of the file to be created
(2) The temporary file is read and the image is sent
to the facsimile machine for printing. Here it is
assumed the data received is in the form of DACOM
block so that no conversion is needed.
where fs - file system task
e - read an existing file
tmp - file name
fax - interface task for facsimile machine
w - print an image on facsimile machine
We are able to exchange image data with ISI and
COMSAT. At present DACOM block is the only format that
can be used as all the three participants in this
experiment possess DACOM facsimile machines and no
- 40 -
other data format is available in both ISI and COMSAT.
However, it is the intention of the ARPA-Facsimile
community to adopt the CCITT standard for future work.
As mentioned earlier, UCL already has this facility.
Above NIFTP, a simple protocol was used to control
the transmission of facsimile data. In this protocol,
the format of a facsimile data file was defined as
follows: Each DACOM block was recorded with a 2-byte
header at the front. This header was composed of a
length-byte indicating the length of the block
(including the header) and a code-byte indicating the
type of the block. This is shown in the following
|<--- header ---->|<------ 74 bytes ------->|
! length ! code ! DACOM block !
The Length-byte is 76 (decimal) for all DACOM blocks.
The code-byte for a setup block is 071 (octal) and 072
for a data block. A special EOP block was used to
indicate the end of a page. This block had only the
header with the length-byte set to 2 and the code-byte
undefined. A facsimile data file could contain several
pages, which were separated by EOP blocks.
5.1 Summary
Though techniques for facsimile transmission were
invented in 1843, it was not until the recent years
that integration with computer communication systems
gave rise to "great expectation". The system described
in this note incarnates the compatibility and
flexibility of computerised facsimile systems.
In this system, facsimile no longer refers simply to
the transmission device, but rather to the function of
transferring hard copy from one place to another. Not
only does the system allow for more reliable and
accurate document transmission over computer networks
but images can also be manipulated electronically.
Image is converted from one representation format to
another, so that different makes of facsimile machines
can communicate with each other. It is possible for a
- 41 -
picture to be presented on different bit-map devices,
e.g. TV-like screen, as it can be scaled to overcome
the incompatibilities. Moreover, the system provides
windowing and overlaying facilities whereby a
sophisticated editor can be supported.
One of the most important aspects of this system is
that text can be converted into its bit-mapped
representation format and integrated with pictures.
Geometric graphics could also be included in the
system. Thus, the facsimile machine may serve as a
printer for multi-type documents. It is clear that
facsimile will play an important role in future
information processing system.
As far as the system per se is concerned, the
following advantages can be recognised. Though our
discussion is concentrated on the facsimile system,
many features developed here apply equally well to
other information-processing systems.
(1) Flexibility: The user jobs can be easily
organised. The only thing to be done for this
purpose is to make the logical links for the
appropriate task processes.
(2) Simplicity: The interface routines are responsible
for the operations such as signal handling and
buffer management. By avoiding this burden, the
implementation of the task processes becomes very
"clean and simple".
(3) Portability: The interface routines also makes the
task processes totally independent of the
operating environment. Only these routines should
be modified if the environment were changed.
(4) Ease of extension: The power of the system can be
simply and infinitely extended by adding new task
(5) Distributed Environment: This approach can be
easily extended to a distributed environment,
where limitless hardware and software resources
can be provided.
5.2 Problems
As discussed earlier, the network we were using for
the experimental work was not designed for image data
- 42 -
transmission. The data transfer is so slow that a
time-out may be caused on the facsimile machine. Though
this problem was solved by means of local buffering and
pictures were successfully exchanged over the network,
the slowness is rather disappointing because of the
quantity of image data. The measurement showed that the
throughput was around 500 bits/sec. In other words, it
took at least 5 minutes to transfer a page. This was
caused by the network but not our system. The situation
has been improved recently. However, It is nevertheless
required that more efficient compression schemes be
At present, the system must be directly attached to
the network to be accessed. However, the network ports
are much demanded, so that frequent reconfiguration is
The facsimile system can be connected only to the
local network, the Cambridge Ring, while the foreign
networks are connected via gateways to the ring. This
is shown in Fig. 12. Now the X25 network is attached to
the Ring via an X25 gateway, XG [25], while SATNET is
connected by another gateway, SG [25]. Both network are
at the transport level; XG and SG support the relevant
transport procedures. In the case of XG, this is
NITS/X25 ([26], [27]); in the case of SATNET, it is
TCP/IP ([28], [29]).
UCL facsimile
system - - - - - - - -
+--------+ / \ +------+
! ! ---- Cambridge Ring ---- ! PE !
+--------+ \ / +------+
- - - - - - - - |
/ \ |
+------+ +------+ |
! XG ! ! SG ! --- SATNET
+------+ +------+
/ \
Fig. 12 Schematic of UCL network connection
When the network software runs in the same machine as
the application software, the Clean and Simple
interface of section 3.5 was used as an interface
between the modules. When the gateway software was
removed to a separate machine, an Inter-Processor Clean
- 43 -
and Simple [30] was required. The appropriate
transport process is transferred to the relevant
gateway, and appropriate facilities are implemented for
addressing the relevant gateway. Otherwise, the
software has to be little altered to cater for the
distributed case.
In our experimental work, the following problems were
also encountered.
(1) The primary memory of the LSI-11 is so small that
we cannot build up a system to include all the
modules we have developed. In order to transfer
an edited picture using the NIFTP module, we have
to first load an editor system to input and
process the picture, and then an NIFTP system is
then loaded to transmit it.
(2) The execution of an image processing procedure
becomes very slow. For example, it takes several
minutes to shrink a picture to fit the screen of
the Grinnell display. This prevents the system
from being widely used in its present form.
(3) As secondary storage, floppy disks are far from
adequate to keep image data files. At present, we
have two double-density floppy disk drives, the
capacity of each disk being about 630K bytes.
However, an image page contains at least 50K bytes
and, sometimes, this number may be doubled for a
rather complex picture. Only a limited number of
pages can be stored.
On the other hand, in our department, we have two
PDP11-44s running UNIX together with large disks
supplying abundant file storage. Their processing speed
is much higher than that of the LSIs. The UNIX file
system supports a very convenient information-
management environment. This inspired the idea that the
UNIX file system could pretend to be a file server
responsible for storing and managing the image data, so
that all the processing tasks may be carried out on
UNIX. Not only does this immediately solve the problems
listed above, but the following additional advantages
immediately accrue.
(1) UNIX provides a far better software-development
environment than LSI MOS ever can or will.
(2) The facsimile service can be enhanced to be able
- 44 -
to support many users at a time.
(3) The UNIX file system is so sophisticated that more
complex data entities can be handled.
In fact the 44s and the LSI-11, to which the
facsimile machine and Grinnell display are attached,
are all connected to the UCL Cambridge Ring. A
distributed processing environment can be built up
where a job in one computer can be initiated by another
and then the job will be carried out by cooperation of
both computers.
In such a distributed system, the LSI-11 micro-
computer, together with the facsimile machine,
constitutes a totally passive facsimile server
controlled by a UNIX user. A page is read on the
facsimile machine and the image data stream produced is
transmitted to the UNIX via the ring. The image data is
stored as a UNIX file and may be processed if
necessary. It can also be sent via the ring to the
facsimile server where it will be reprinted on the
facsimile machine.
In order to build up such a distributed environment,
IPCS [30] is far from adequate for this purpose, as it
does not provide any facility for a remote job to be
organised. In our system, the task controller can be
modified so that the command strings can be supplied
from a remote host on the network. Having accepted the
request, the task controller organises the relevant
task chain and the requested job is executed under its
control. The execution of the distributed job may
require synchronisation between the two computers.
These problems are discussed in detail in [31].
Generally speaking, a distributed system based on a
local network, which supplies cheap, fast, and reliable
communication, could be the ultimate solution of the
operational problems discussed in this section. In such
a system, different system operations are carried out
in the most suitable places.
For the time being, only a procedure-oriented task-
control language is available in this system. The
command string of the fitter can be typed from the
system console directly, the corresponding job being
organised and executed. Theoretically, this is quite
enough to cope with any requirement of a user.
However, when the job is complex, command typing
becomes very tedious and prone to error.
- 45 -
Above the task-controller, a job-controller layer is
required which provides a problem-oriented language
whereby the user can easily put forward his requirement
to the system. On receipt of such a command, the job
controller translates it into a command string of the
task controller and passes the string to the task
controller so that operation request can be done.
Sometimes, one job has to be divided into several
subjobs, which are to be dealt with separately. The
job controller should be also responsible for high
level calculation and management, so that the user need
not be concerned with system details.
In the system supporting facsimile service under
UNIX, a set of high-level command is provided, while
the command strings for the facsimile station are
arranged automatically and they are totally hidden from
a UNIX user.
5.3 Future Study
At the next stage, our attention should be moved to a
higher-level, more sophisticated system which supports
a multi-type environment. In such a system, not only
does the facsimile machine work as an facsimile
input/output device, but it should also play the role
of a printer for the multi-type document. This is
because other data types, e.g. coded character text and
geometric graphics can be easily converted into bit-
mapped graphics format which the facsimile machine is
able to accept.
First of all, a data structure should be designed to
represent multi-type information. In a distributed
environment, such a structure should be understood all
over the system, so that multi-media message can be
In a future system, different services should be
supported, including viewdata, Teletex, facsimile,
graphics, slow-scan TV and speech. The techniques
developed for facsimile will be generalised for use of
other bit-mapped image representations, such as slow-
scan TV.
To improve the performance of the facsimile system,
we are investigating how we could use an auxiliary
special purpose processor to perform some of the image
processing operations. Such a processor will be
essential for the higher data rate involved in slow-
- 46 -
scan TV.
- 47 -
[1] P. T. Kirstein, "The Role of Facsimile in Business
Communication", INDRA Note 1047, Jan. 1981.
[2] T. Chang, "A Proposed Configuration of the
Facsimile station", INDRA Note 922, May, 1980.
[3] T. Chang, "Data Structure and Procedures for
Facsimile Signal Processing", INDRA Note 923, May,
[4] S. Treadwell, "On Distorting Facsimile Image",
INDRA Note No 762, June, 1979.
[5] M. G. B. Ismail and R. J. Clarke, "A New Pre-
Processing Techniques for Digital Facsimile
Transmission", Dept. of Electronic Engineering,
University of Technology, Loughborough.
[6] T. Chang, "Mask Scanning Algorithm and Its
Application", INDRA Note 924, June, 1980.
[7] M. Kunt and O. Johnsen, "Block Coding of Graphics:
A Tutorial Review", Proceedings of the IEEE,
special issue on digital encoding of graphics,
Vol. 68, No 7, July, 1980.
[8] T. Chang, "Facsimile Data Compression by
Predictive Encoding", INDRA Note No 978, May.
[9] High Level Protocol Group, "A Network Independent
File Transfer Protocol", HLP/CP(78)1, alos INWG
Protocol Note 86, Dec. 1978.
[10] T. Chang, "The Implementation of NIFTP on LSI-11",
INDRA Note 1056, Mar. 1981.
[11] T. Chang, "The Design and Implementation of a
Computerised Facsimile System", INDRA Note No.
1184, Apr. 1981.
[12] T. Chang, "The Facsimile Editor", INDRA Note 1085,
Apr. 1981.
[13] K. Jackson, "Facsimile Compression", Project
Report, Dept. of Computer Science, UCL, June,
- 48 -
[14] R. Cole and S. Treadwell, "MOS User Guide", INDRA
Note 1042, Jan. 1981.
[15] CCITT, "Recommendation T.4, Standardisation of
Group 3 Facsimile Apparatus for Document
Transmission", Geneva, 1980.
[16] "DACOM 6450 Computerfax Transceiver Operator
Instructions", DACOM, Mar. 1977.
[17] "AED 6200LP Floppy Disk Storage System", Technical
Manual, 105499-01A, Advanced Electronics Design,
Inc. Feb. 1977.
[18] "The User Manual for Grinnelll Colour Display".
[19] D. R. Weber, "An Adaptive Run Length Encoding
Algorithm", ICC-75.
[20] R. Braden and P. L. Higginson, "Clean and Simple
Interface under MOS", INDRA Note No. 1054, Feb.
[21] L. G. Roberts et al, "The ARPA Computer Network",
Computer Communication Networks, Prentice Hall,
Englewood, pp485-500, 1973.
[22] I. M. Jacobs et al: "General Purpose Satellite
Network", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 66, No. 11,
pp1448-1467, 1978.
[23] J. W. Burren et al, "Design fo an SRC/NERC
Computer Network", RL 77-0371A, Rutherford
Laboratory, 1977.
[24] P. T. F. Kelly, "Non-Voice Network Services -
Future Plans", Proc. Conf. Business
Telecommunications, Online, pp62-82, 1980.
[25] P. T. Kirstein, "UK-US Collaborative Computing",
INDRA Note No. 972, Aug. 1980.
[26] "A Network Independent Transport Service", PSS
User Forum, Study Group 3, British Telecom,
London, 1980.
[27] CCITT, Recommendation X3, X25, X28 and X29 on
Packet Switched Data Services", Geneva 1978.
[28] "DoD Standard Transmission Control Protocol",
RFC761, Information Sciences Inst., Marina del
- 49 -
Rey, 1979.
[29] "DoD Standard Internet Protocol", RFC760,
Information Sciences Inst., Marina del Rey, 1979.
[30] P. L. Higginson, "The Orgainisation of the Current
IPCS System", INDRA Note No. 1163, Oct. 1981.
[31] T. Chang, "Distributed Processing for LSIs under
MOS", INDRA Note No. 1199, Jan. 1982.
- 50 -
Appendix I: Devices
aed62 - double density floppy disk
DCT aed62
setdct("aed62", 0170, 0170450, 0170450,
aedini, aedsio, aedint, 0);
The Double Density disks contain 77 tracks numbered from 0
to 76. There are 16 sectors (sometimes called blocks) per
track, for a total of 1232 sectors on each side of the disk.
These are numbered 0 to 1231. Each sector contains 512
bytes, for a total of 630,784 bytes on each side of the
Only one side of the floppy can be accessed at a time. There
is only one head per drive, and it is located on the under-
side of the disk. To access the other side, the disk must be
manually removed and inserted the other way up.
Each block is actually two blocks on the disk: an adddress
ID block and the data block. The address ID block is used
by the hardware and contains the track number, the block
number and the size of the data block that follows. When an
operation is to take place, the seek mechanism first locates
the block by reading the address ID blocks and literally
'hunting' for the correct one. It will hunt for up to 2
seconds before reporting a failure.
Both the address ID and the data blocks are followed by a
checksum word that is maintained by the hardware and is hid-
den from the user. On writing, the checksum is calculated
and appended to the block. On reading it is verified (both
on reading the ID and data blocks) and any error is reported
as a Data Check. No checking on the data block takes place
on a write, and the hardware has no idea if it was written
correctly. The only way to verify it is to read it.
Although there are two drives in the unit, they cannot be
used simultaneously. If an operation is in progress on one,
no access can be made to the other until the first operation
is complete. The driver will queue requests for both drives
however, and ensure that are performed in order.
The MOS driver is called aed62.obj. It operates on the fol-
lowing IORB entries:
The operation to be performed, as follows:
0 - Read
1 - Write
2 - Verify
3 - Seek
Read and Write cause data to be transferred to and from
disk. Verify does a hardware read without transferring
the data to memory and is used for verifying that the
data can be successfully read. The checksum at the end
of the block of each sector is verified by the
hardware. The seek command is used to move the disk
heads to a specified track.
The drive number. Only Zero or One is accepted. This is
matched against the number dialed on the drive. If the
number is specified on both drives, or neither, a
hardware error will be reported.
The Sector or Block Number. Must be in the range 0 to
1231 inclusive. irusr2 specifies the block number that
the transfer is to begin at for Read and Write, the be-
ginning of the verified area for the Verify command,
and the position of the head for the Seek command. In
the latter case the head will be positioned to the
track that contains the block.
This specifies the data adress, which must be even
(word boundary). If an odd address is given, the low
order bit is set to zero to make it even. Not required
for the Seek or Verify commands.
Transfer length as a positive number of bytes. Not re-
quired for the seek command, bit IS used by Verify com-
mand so that the correct number of blocks may be veri-
fied. The disk is only capable of transferring an even
number of bytes. If an odd length is given the low ord-
er bit is made zero to reduce the length to the lower
even value. The length is NOT restricted to the sector
size of 512 bytes. If the length is greater than 512,
successive blocks are read/written until the required
length has been satisfied. If the length is not an ex-
act multiple of 512 bytes, only the specified length
will be read/written. Note that the hardware always
reads and writes a complete sector, so specifying a
shorter length on a read will cause the remainder of
the block to be skipped. On a write, the hardware will
repeat the last specified word until the sector is
The driver will attempt to recover from all soft errors.
There is no automatic write/read verify as on mag tapes, so
that data that is incorrectly written will not be detected
as such until a read is attempted. For this reason, the ver-
ify feature can be used (see above) to force the checking of
written data. When an error is detected while performing a
read, the offending block will be re-read up to 16 times and
disk resets will be attempted during this time too. If all
fails a hardware error indication is returned to the user.
Other errors possible are Protection Error (attempt to write
to a read-only disk) and User Error, which indicates that
the parameters in the IORB were incorrect. Errors such as
there being no disk loaded, or the drive door being open are
NOT detectable by the program. The interface sees these as
Seek Errors (i.e. soft errors), and thus the driver will re-
try several times before returning a Hardware Error indica-
tion to the user. It should be noted that error recovery can
take a long time. As mentioned above, there is a 2 second
delay before a seek error is reported by the hardware, for
grinnell - colour display
DCT grndout
setdct("grndout", 03000, 0172520, 0172522,
grnoi, grnot, grnoti, &grndin);
DCT grndin
setdct("grndin", 03000, 0172524, 0172526,
grnoi, grnot, grnoti, &grndout);
The Grinnell colour display has a screen of 512x512 pels.
Three colours (red, green and blue) can be used, but no grey
scale is supported. Three graphics modes are available.
These are:
(1) Alphanumeric: The input ASCII characters are displayed
at the selected positions on the screen.
(2) Graphic: Basic geometric elements, such as line and
rectangle, are drawn by means of graphics commands.
(3) Image: The input data is interpreted as bit patterns,
the corresponding images being illustrated.
The values used to construct commands are described in the
Grinnell User Manual. They are also listed below.
#define LDC 0100000 /* Load Display Channels */
#define LSM 0010000 /* Load Subchannel Mask */
#define RED 0000010 /* Read Subchannel */
#define GREEN 0000020 /* Green subchannel */
#define BLUE 0000040 /* Blue subchannel */
#define WID 0000000 /* Write Image Data */
#define WGD 0020000 /* Write Graphic Data */
#define WAC 0022000 /* Write AlphanumCh */
#define LWM 0024000 /* Load Write Mode */
#define REVERSE 0200 /* Reverse Background */
#define ADDITIVE 0100 /* Additive (not Replace) */
#define ZEROWRITE 040 /* Dark Write */
#define VECTOR 020 /* Select Vector Graph */
#define DBLEHITE 010 /* Double Height write */
#define DBLEWIDTH 004 /* Double Width write */
#define CURSORAB 002 /* Cursor (La+Lb,Ea+Eb) */
#define CURSORON 001 /* Cursor On */
#define LUM 0026000 /* Load Update Mode */
#define Ec 001 /* Load Ea with Ec */
#define Ea_Eb 002 /* Load Ea with Ea + Eb */
#define Ea_Ec 003 /* load Ea with Ea + Ec */
#define Lc 004 /* Load La with Lc */
#define La_Lb 010 /* Load La with La + Lb */
#define La_Lc 014 /* Load La with La + Lc */
#define SRCL_HOME 020 /* Scroll dsiplay to HOME */
#define SRCL_DOWN 040 /* Scroll down one line */
#define SCRL_UP 060 /* Scroll up one line */
#define ERS 0030000 /* Erase */
#define ERL 0032000 /* Erase Line */
#define SLU 0034000 /* Special Location Update */
#define SCRL_ZAP 0100 /* unlimited scroll speed */
#define EGW 0036000 /* Execute Graphic Write */
#define LER 0040000 /* Load Ea relative */
#define LEA 0044000 /* Load Ea */
#define LEB 0050000 /* Load Eb */
#define LEC 0054000 /* Load Ec */
#define LLR 0060000 /* Load La Relative */
#define LLA 0064000 /* Load La */
#define LLB 0070000 /* Load Lb */
#define LLC 0074000 /* Load Lc */
#define LGW 02000 /* perform write */
#define NOP 0110000 /* No-Operation */
#define SPD 0120000 /* Select Special Device */
#define LPA 0130000 /* Load Peripheral Address */
#define LPR 0140000 /* Load Peripheral Register */
#define LPD 0150000 /* Load Peripheral Data */
#define RPD 0160000 /* ReadBack Peripheral Data */
#define MEMRB 00400 /* SPD - Memory Read-Back */
#define DATA 01000 /* SPD - Byte Unpacking */
#define ALPHA 06000 /* LPR - Alphanumeric data */
#define GRAPH 04000 /* LPR - Graphic data */
#define IMAGE 02000 /* LPR - Image data */
#define LTHENH 01000 /* take lo byte then hi byte */
#define DROPBYTE 0400 /* drop last byte */
#define INTERR 02000 /* SPD - Interrupt Enable */
#define TEST 04000 /* SPD - Diagnostic Test */
The MOS driver is called grin.obj. It operates on the fol-
lowing IORB entries.
This is a pointer to the buffer where the data is
This data must be ready formtatted for the Grinnell,
since no conversion is performed by the driver.
This transfer length as a positive number of bytes.
Addressing the grinnell. Rows consist of elments numbered 0
to 511 running left to right. The lines are number from 0 to
511 running from bottom to top. It is thus addressed as a
conventional X-Y coordinate system. Note that this coordi-
e system is different the one used for the image.
| (511, 511)
511 +-------------------------------+
| |
| |
| |
| |
| (x, y) |
| + |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
0 511 Y
dacom - facsimile machine
DCT faxinput
setdct("faxin", 0350, 0174750, 0174740,
faxii, faxin, faxini, &faxoutput);
DCT faxoutput
setdct("faxout", 0354, 0174752, 0174742,
faxoi, faxot, faxoti, &faxinput);
The DACOM facsimile machine can read a document, creating
the corresponding image data blocks. It can also accept the
data of relevant format, printing the correponding image.
Each data block consists of 585 bits, and is stored in a
block of 74 bytes starting on a byte boundary. The final 7
bits of the last byte are not used and they are undefined.
The 585 bits in each block need to be read as a bit stream:
the bits in each byte run from the high orger end of the
byte to the low order end. The last 12 bits of the 585 bits
in each block consistute the CRC field whereby the block can
be validated.
There are two kinds of blocks: SETUP blocks and DATA blocks.
The first of block of an image data file should be a single
SETUP block. All following blocks in the file must be DATA
blocks. Note that the second block is a DATA block that con-
tains ZERO samples, i.e. a dummy data blocks. Form the third
block, the DATA blocks store the reall image data.
A standard dacom page contains about 1200 scan lines, each
of which has 1726 pels. One can choose
Appendix II: Task Controller and Task Processes
ccitt - conversion between vector and CCITT T4 format
ccitt() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as ccitt):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task to convert the vec-
tors to CCITT T4 format or inversely.
The parameter function specifies what the task is to do.
value function
1c one-dimensional compression
1d one-dimensional decompression
2c[<k>] two-dimensional compression
2d two-dimensional decompression
Note k is the maximun number of lines to be coded two-
dimensionally before a one-dimensionally coded line is in-
serted. If k is omitted, the default value 2 is adopted.
vector(fax), t4(fax), fitter(fax)
check - check the validity of a vector file.
check() - a MOS task
command string (the task name is defined as check):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task checking the vali-
dity of the input vector file.
The number of lines to be checked is specified by the param-
eter height. If the height of the image is less than the
parameter, the actual height is printed. Thus, one can set
the parameter height to a big number in order to count the
number of lines of the input image.
The run lengths in each of these lines are accumulated and
the sum is compared with the parameter width.
These are the basic functions which are performed whenever
the task is invoked. However, there are several options one
can choose by setting the one-character parameter function.
value function
'n' basic function only
'c' print the count of each line
'l' print all lines
's' print the lines in the interval
specified by parameter from and to
A bad line will be reported and it will cause the job abort-
vector(fax), getl(fax), fitter(fax)
chop - extract a designated rectangular area from an image
chop() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as chop):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task extracting a desig-
nated rectangular area from an input image. Input and out-
put are image data files in the form of vectors.
The following diagram shows the coordinate system being
used. Note that the lengths are measured in number of pels.
(0, 0) width X
| |
| |
| (x0, y0) |
| +---------+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| +---------+ |
| (x1, y1) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
height +-------------------------+
As can be seen in the diagram, the rectangular area to be
extracted is specified by the parameters x0, x1, y0, y1,
which are decimal strings.
One has to make sure that
0 < x0 < width
0 < y0 < height
0 < x1 < width
0 < y1 < height
vector(fax), getl(fax), putl(fax), fitter(fax)
clean - clean an image.
clean() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as clean):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task cleaning an image
by means of mask scanning. Input and output are image data
files in the form of vectors.
The width and height should be given as the parameters.
vector(fax), getl(fax), putl(fax), fitter(fax)
decomp - decompress DACOM blocks
decomp() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as decomp):
This task takes DACOM blocks from the Clean and Simple in-
terface, and decompresses them into vector format. Then it
writes the vectors to the Clean and Simple interface.
dacom(dev), vector(fax), fitter(fax)
fax - interface process for DACOM facsimile machine
fax() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as fax):
This task uses the Clean and Simple interface to read or
write facsimile image data.
The one character parameter function specifies whether the
data is to be read or written. Character w is for writing.
In this case, 74 byte DACOM blocks contaning correct CRC
fields are expected. On the other hand, character r is for
reading. In this case, a document is read on the facsimile
machine, the DACOM blocks being created.
dacom(dev), fitter(fax)
fitter - fit processes together to form a data pipe
fitter() - the MOS task controller
According to the command string typed on the console, fitter
links the specified processes together to form a task chain.
The name of the processes is the name given in the PCB. The
processes must communicate using the C+S interface. Only one
C+S interface is opened per process - data is pushed in with
a cswrite and pulled out with a csread. The fitter does not
inspect the data in any way but merely passes it from one
process to another.
The format of command string is:
A | B | C.
The fitter takes data from the process called A, write it to
the process called B, reads data from the process B and
write that data to the process C. Note that all middle
processes are both read and written, while the first one in
the list is only read from and the last in the list is only
written to.
A double quote is used as the separator between the task
name and the open parameter string, e.g.
A"500 | B"n,xyz | C,
where the strings '500' and 'n,xyz' are the open parameter
stings for tasks A and B, respectively. The parameter
stirng is passed to the corresponding task routine when the
csopen call returns.
The command string containing undefined task will be reject-
csinit(fax), csopen(fax), csread(fax), cswrite(fax)
fs - file system for use under MOS
fs() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as fs):
This is a file system, based on the Double Density floppy
disk, for use under MOS. The fs task is used for manipulate
the files, managed by the file system. This task can only
appear at the first or last position on a command string. In
the former case, the file specified is to be read, while the
file is to be written in the latter case.
The <function> field contains only one character indicating
the function to be performed. The possible values are:
e - open an existing file (for reading).
c - open an existing file, and set the length
to zero (for rewriting).
a - append to an existing file.
If the capitals A, C, and E are used, the functions are the
same as described above but the specified file is created if
it does not exist.
This task is for reading and writing only. As for the other
facilities, e.g. seek, delete, status and sync, one has to
use C+S interface directly.
Note that only 15 files are permitted per disk, only drive 0
is supported at present, and no hierarchical directory is
aed62(dev), fitter(fax)
ftp, pftp - NIFTP task processes
ftp(), pftp() - MOS tasks
command string (task name is defined as ftp):
These tasks are implementation of Network Independent File
Transfer Protocol (NIFTP) for LSIs under MOS. They employ a
transport service for communication with a remote host on
the network, where the same protocol must be supported. They
communicate with the user process and transport service
processes thourgh the Clean and Simple interface, so that
they can be used in a fitter command chain directly.
The code is available in two versions: ftp which is a P+Q
version supporting both server and intitiator and pftp which
is a P version working only as an initiator. Both of them
are capable of sending and receiving.
This implementation of NIFTP is just a subset of the proto-
col as its main purpose is to provided the facsimile system
with a data transmission mechanism. For the sake of simpli-
city, only the necessary facilities are included in the
module, while more complex facilities, such as data compres-
sion and error recovery are not implemented. The following
table shows the transfer control parameters being used.
Attribute Value Mod. Remarks
Mode of access 0001 EQ Creating a new file
8002 EQ Retrieving file
Codes - - Text file, any parity
1002 EQ Binary file
Format effector 0000 EQ No interpretation
Binary mapping 0008 EQ Default byte size
Max record size 00FC EQ Default record size
Transfer size 0400 LE Default transfer size
Facilities 0000 EQ Minimum service
The meanings of the parameters in the command string are
listed below:
function is the NIFTP function of our site. Any ASCII string
beginning with 't' means the file is to be transmitted to
the remote site. Otherwise, the file will be retrieved from
the remote site.
code specifies the type of the file to be transferred. Any
ASCII string beginning with 'b' means it is a binary file,
while others mean text file.
user_name is the login name of the server site.
password is the password of the server site.
file_name is the name of the file to be transmitted.
transport_service_process is the process name of the tran-
sport service to be used.
transport_service_parameters are the parameter string re-
quired by the transport service. They are network dependent
and specified by the corresponding transport service.
grinnell - task to convert and display fax vector data
grinnell() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as string):
This task takes the vector data from a Clean and Simple in-
terface and displays it on the Grinnell screen. The Grinnell
screen is viewed as an X-Y plane with (0,0) being the lower
left hand corner, (512, 0) being the lower right hand
corner, etc.
The parameters x0, y0, x1, y1 are decimal strings defining
the rectangular space on the screen where the image is to be
displayed. If the image is smaller than this area, it is ar-
tificially expanded to the size of this area. If the image
is larger than this area it is truncated to the size of the
The colour field consists of any combination of the charac-
ters r,g or b to define the colours red, green and blue
respectively. For instance "gb" would write the image as
The mode defines how the image is to be displayed. Any com-
bination of the characters r,a and z may be used, to the
following effect:
r = reverse image
a = additive image
z = zerowrite image.
There are three bit planes to define the three colours. Nor-
mally the bit planes corresponding to the selected colours
have either zero bits or one bits written to them depending
upon whether the image or the background is being written.
For zerowrite, all non-selected bit planes (i.e. colours)
are always set to zero, thus erasing any unselected colours
in the area. Additive mode means that in the selected colour
planes the new bits are ORed in, rather than just written.
Thus the image is added to. In reverse mode, the image writ-
ten as one bits is written as zero bits and the bits written
as zero bits are written as one bits, i.e. the bits are
flipped before being used.
grinnell(dev), vector(fax), fitter(fax)
merge - merge two images together
merge() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as merge):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task merging two images
together to form the result image. Input and output are im-
age data files in the form of vectors.
One of the two input images is called background which is to
be copied directly. This is specified by the parameter
file_name. The image data of the back ground is read via a
'tunnel', maintained by this task. Another input image is
taken form the Clean and Simple interface managed by the
fitter. As shown in the following diagram, the position
where it is to be put on the background image is specified
by the parameters x0, y0, x1, y1, which are decimal strings.
This implies that the dimension of the image is x1 - x0 and
y1 -y0.
(0, 0) width X
| |
| (x0, y0) |
| +---------+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| +---------+ |
| (x1, y1) |
| |
| |
| (back ground) |
height +-------------------------+
The parameter action indicates how the two images are
merged. If it set to 0, The second image is simply overlaid
on the back ground image. On the other hand any non-zero
causes the second image to replace the specified area of the
back ground image.
One has to make sure that
0 < x0 < width_of_back_ground
0 < y0 < height_of_back_ground
0 < x1 < width_of_back_ground
0 < y1 < height_of_back_ground
In addition, x0, y0, x1, y1 must be consistent with the di-
mension of the image
vector(fax), getl(fax), putl(fax), chop(fax), fitter(fax)
od - dump the input data
od() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as od):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task dumping the input
data in a selected format. The input data is taken from the
Clean and Simple interface.
The meanings of the one character parameter format are:
value format
'd' words in decimal
'o' words in octal
'c' bytes in ASCII
'b' bytes in octal
recomp - compress the vectors to form the DACOM blocks
recomp() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as recomp):
This task takes vectors from the Clean and Simple interface,
and recompresses them into DACOM blocks. Then it writes the
blocks to the Clean and Simple interface.
dacom(dev), vector(fax), fitter(fax)
scale - scale an image to a specified dimension
scale() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as scale):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task scaling the input
image to the specified dimension. Input and output are im-
age data files in the form of vectors.
The dimension of the input image is given by the parameters
old_width and old_height, while the dimension of the output
is specified by the parameters new_width and new_height.
vector(fax), getl(fax), putl(fax), fitter(fax)
string - convert an ASCII string to the vector format
string() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as string):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task converting the
parameter string s to the corresponding vectors.
vector(fax), ts(fax)
tf - convert a text to the vector format.
tf() - a MOS task
command string (task name is defined as tf):
This routine operates as a MOS pipe task converting the in-
put text to the corresponding vectors. The input text, taken
from the Clean and Simple interface should be in the format
defined in text(fax).
| |
| upper |
| |
| width |
| |
As shown in the diagram, the parameters give the information
for the formating. The parameter width is the maximum width
of the text lines.
Every vector will be padded to fit this width. White pels
may be padded to the left of each vectors, and the number of
pel to be padded is specified by the parameter left.
Empty lines may also be inserted. They are defined by param-
eters upper and line_sp, the number of pels being used as
the unit.
vector(fax), text(fax), ts(fax), fitter(fax)
Appendix III: Utility Routines and Data Formats
bitmap - convert vector format to core bit map
int bitmap(ivec, cnt, buff);
int *ivec;
int cnt;
char *buff;
Bitmap converts the fax vector format into a bit map, using
each bit of the area pointed to by buff. The number of ele-
ments in ivec is given by cnt, and the first element of ivec
is taken as a white pel count, the second as a black pel
count, etc. The resultant bit map is placed in the area
pointed to by buff. The actual number of bits stored is re-
turned from the function. The bits in buff are stored in
byte order, with the highest value bit of the byte taken as
the first bit of the byte.
You have to make sure that buff is big enough for all the
vector(fax), tovec(fax)
tovec - convert bitmap to vector format
int *tovec(buff, nbits);
char *buff;
int nbits;
The bitmap in the buffer pointed to by buff is converted to
vector format. The length of the bitmap in bits is passed in
nbits. As the caller would normally not know how many vec-
tor elements are going to be needed, the tovec routine allo-
cates this area for the user.
Buff is assumed to be organised in byte order with the
highest value bit of each byte being the first bit of the
byte. The counts of white and black pels are placed into an
integer vector, the first element of which is the length of
the rest of the vector. The vector information proper starts
in the second element which is the count of the number of
leading white pels. This is followed by the count of the
numbr of black pels, etc.
The routine goes to great lengths to make sure only enough
vector storage is allocated. Temporary storage is allocated
in small chunks and then, when the length of the whole vec-
tor is known, the chunks are contacenated into a contiguous
vector. The pointer to this vector is returned to the user.
vector(fax), bitmap(fax)
choice - specify a rectangular area on Grinnell
struct square {
int x0, y0;
int x1, y1;
struct square *choice(colour, height, width, area, fw, fh)
char colour;
int height, width, area, fw, fh;
This subroutine is called by a MOS task. to specify a rec-
tangular area of an image by manipulating a square on the
Grinnel display being illustrating the image. The dimension
of the original image is defined as height and width. The
area on which the original image is shown is specified by
the parameter area.
value area dimension coordinates
0 the whole screen 512x512 0,511,511,0
1 the left half 256x512 0,511,255,0
2 the right half 256x512 256,511,511,0
The square will be drwan in a colour defined by the parame-
ter colour, which can only be:
value colour
'r' red
'g' green
'b' blue
There are two modes being supported:
(1) Fixed: The square will have a fixed dimension specified
by the parameters fw and fh. The operator can move the
square around as a whole within the predetermined area
by using following commands, each of which is invoked
by typing the corresponding characer on the keyboard of
the system console.
command function
'u' move the square up one step
'd' move the square down one step
'l' move the square one step left
'r' move the square one step right
'f' move fast - set the step to 8 pel
'o' move slowly - set the step to 1 pel
<CR> ok - the area has been chosen, and
return its coordinates
(2) Arbitrary: This mode is set up when the subroutine is
called with the parameters fw and fh set to 0. Any
edge of the square can be selected to be moved on its
own by using the same commands described above. The
following commands are required to select the relevant
edge as well as switching the operation mode.
command function
'e' select the right ('east') edge.
'w' select the left ('west') edge.
'n' select the upper ('north') edge.
's' select the lower ('south') edge.
'a' move the square as a whole
As soon as the user types <CR>, the coordinates of the
current square, which are accommodated in a square struc-
ture, are returned. Note these are concerned with the coor-
dinate system defined for the image but not for the grin-
Currently, only three working areas can be used.
vector(fax), grinnell(dev), grinnell(fax)
crc - calculate or check the DACOM CRC code
int crc(buff, insert);
char *buff;
int insert;
This routine will check/insert the 12-bit CRC code for a
DACOM block, pointed to by buff. The block contains 585
bits, the last 12 bits being the CRC code. The block is
checked only when the parameter insert is set to 0, other-
wise the CRC code is created and inserted into the block.
When the block is checked, the routine returns the result: 0
means OK and any non-zero value means the block is bad. On
the other hand, when the CRC code is inserted, the routine
returns the CRC code it has created.
This routine uses a tabular approach to determine the CRC
code, processing a whole byte at a time and resulting in a
high throughput.
Do not forget to supply enough space when the 12-bit CRC
code is to be inserted.
csinit - initiate the Clean and Simple interface
int csinit();
This routine is called to initiate the Clean and Simple in-
terface for the calling process. Its code is re-entrant, so
that only one copy is needed for all processes in a system.
This routine returns the task identifier, which must be used
on all subsequent interface calls.
csopen(fax), csread(fax), cswrite(fax), fitter(fax)
csopen - establish the Clean and Simple connection
char *csopen(tid);
int tid;
A process calls this routine, waiting to be scheduled. Its
code is re-entrant, so that only one copy is needed for all
processes in a system.
The task identifier tid is the word returned from the csinit
call. When the fitter process has established the Clean and
Simple connection for the process, this routine returns the
pointer to the parameter string of the corresponding task
csinit(fax), csread(fax), cswrite(fax), fitter(fax)
csread - read data from the Clean and Simple interface
char *csread(tid, need);
int tid, need;
This routine is called to read data from the Clean and Sim-
ple interface. Its code is re-entrant, so that only one copy
is needed for all processes in a system.
The task identifier tid is the word returned from the csinit
call. The need parameter indicates the number of bytes that
are required. This routine returns a pointer to a buffer
with this much data in it. This is usually more efficient as
it means that the data does not have to be reblocked.
If the returned value is 0, the end of data is reached.
Funnies happen at the end of data to be read. The csread()
call has no way of saying that the final buffer is partly
filled. Thus if you ask for more data, you hang forever.
But if the data structures are working correctly, this
should never happen.
csinit(fax), cswrite(fax), fitter(fax)
cswrite - write data to the Clean and Simple interface
char *cswrite(tid, need);
int tid, need;
This routine is call to write data to the Clean and Simple
interface. Its code is re-entrant, so that only one copy is
needed for all processes in a system.
The task identifier tid is the word returned from the csinit
call. The need parameter indicates the number of bytes that
are to be written. This routine returns a write buffer of
the required length, to which the user data can be copied.
The subsequent cswrite() call automatically releases the
previous write buffer.
The cswrite() call with need set to 0 indicates the end of
data, closing the current Clean and Simple connection.
As indicated, the write buffer must be filled up before the
next cswrite() call.
csinit(fax), csread(fax), fitter(fax)
getl - get a line vector from the Clean and Simple interface
int *getl(tid);
int tid, need;
This routine is called to read a line vector from the Clean
and Simple interface. Its code is re-entrant, so that only
one copy is needed for all processes in a system.
The task identifier tid is the word returned from the csinit
call. The routine returns the pointer to the buffer where
the line vector is stored.
0 will be returned when end of file is reached.
Any memory violation causes the whole task chain to be
vector(fax), putl(fax), fitter(fax)
putl - put a line vector to the Clean and Simple Interface
putl(tid, buf);
int tid, *buf;
This routine is called to write a line vector to the Clean
and Simple interface. Its code is re-entrant, so that only
one copy is needed for all processes in a system.
The task identifier tid is the word returned from the csinit
call. The line vector is stored in a buffer pointed by buf.
vector(fax), getl(fax), fitter(fax)
t4 - the data format defined in CCITT recommendation T4
Dimension and Resolution: In vertical direction the resolu-
tion is defined below.
Standard resolution: 3.85 line/mm
Optional higher resolution: 7.70 line/mm
In horizontal direction, the standard resolution is defined
as 1728 black and white picture elements along the standard
line length of 215 mm. Optionally, there can be 2048 or
2432 picture elements along a scan line length of 255 or 303
mm, respectively. The input documents up to a minimum of ISO
A4 size should be accepted.
One-Dimensional Coding: The one-dimensional run length data
compression is accomplished by the popular modified Huffman
coding scheme. In this scheme, black and white runs are re-
placed by a base 64 codes representation. Compression is
achieved since the code word lengths are invertly related to
the probability of the occurrence of a particular run. A
special code (000000000001), known as EOL (End of Line),
follows each line of data. This code starts the facsimile
message phase, while the control phase is restored by a com-
bination of six contiguous EOLs (RTC). The data format of a
facsimile message is shown below.
start of the facsimile data
end of the facsimile data
|<------ RTC ------->|
Two-Dimensional Coding: The two-dimensional coding scheme is
labeled as the Modified READ Code. It codes one line with
reference to the line above,correlation between adja-
cent lines allowing for more efficient compression. In order
to limit the disturbed area in the event of transmission er-
a one-dimensionally coded line is transmitted after one or
more two-dimensionally coded lines. A bit, following the
EOL, indicates whether one- or two-dimensional coding is
used for the next line:
EOL1: one-dimensional coding;
EOL0: two-dimensional coding.
start of the facsimile data
end of the facsimile data
|<--------- RTC --------->|
text - the text format for use in the facsimile system
This is the representation structure for coded character
text. It is used in the facsimile system.
The text structure consists of a series of character
strings, each of which represents a text line. However no
control characters, e.g. <CR> and <LF>, are used in the
structure. Each text line is proeeded by a count byte, indi-
cating the number of characters on the line. The character
sting follows after the the count byte. A zero count indi-
cates the end of file.
Here is an example text shown below:
This is a text.
This is a picture.
It can be represented as:
<017> T h i s <040> i s <040> a <040> t e x t .
<022> T h i s <040> i s <040> a <040> p i c t u
r e . <0>
ts - translate an ASCII string into vector format
ts(ar_in, left, right, tid)
char *ar_in;
int left, right, tid;
This routine will convert a zero-ended ASCII string pointed
to by ar_in into the corresponding vecter format. As the
character font being used is a set of 12x20 matrices, there
will be 20 line vectors created. These vectors are written
to the Cleans and Simple interface by calling cswrite. The
callers task identifier tid has to be provided.
At the two ends of the text line, blanks can be padded that
are specified as left and right. Note that they are meas-
ured in pels.
Consequently, the result should be a image, whose dimension
width = left + 12*length + right;
height = 20;
where length is the number of characters in the input
As an intermediate result the bitmap is first created which
is then converted into the vector format, by calling tovec.
The input string must be ended with a zero field.
vector(fax), tovec(fax), csinit(fax), cswrite(fax),
vector - the internal data structure for a facsimile image
This is the representation structure for binary images, a
simple run length compression algorithm being used. Most of
the image files are kept in vector format for ease of pro-
The vector format consists of a series of integer vectors,
one vector for each row of pels in the image. Each vector is
proceeded by a count word which indicates the number of in-
teger words in the vector. The next element of the vector
after the count field is the number of white pels in the
first run of the line. The second word then gives the
number of pels that follow the initial white run, and so on
t the end of the vector. Note the first run length element
must refer to a white run. It should be set to 0 if the
first run is black.
A line consists of 20 pels as follows:
It can be represented as:
5, 3, 8, 1, 3, 5
The inverse of the line:
should be represented as:
6, 0, 3, 8, 1, 3, 5
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