[RFCs/IDs] [Plain Text] [From draft-ietf-userdoc-bibliography]
Network Working Group K. Bowers
Request for Comments: 1175 CNRI
FYI: 3 T. LaQuey
U Texas
J. Reynolds
K. Roubicek
M. Stahl
A. Yuan
August 1990
FYI on Where to Start -
A Bibliography of Internetworking Information
Status of this Memo
This FYI RFC is a bibliography of information about TCP/IP
internetworking, prepared by the User Services Working Group (USWG)
of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This memo provides
information for the Internet community. It does not specify any
standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
The intent of this bibliography is to offer a representative
collection of resources of information that will help the reader
become familiar with the concepts of internetworking. It is meant to
be a starting place for further research. There are references to
other sources of information for those users wishing to pursue, in
greater depth, the issues and complexities of the current networking
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................... 2
Background and Purpose ......................................... 2
Scope .......................................................... 2
Organization of Document ....................................... 2
Obtaining Files By Anonymous FTP ............................... 3
Submitting Entries to the Bibliography ......................... 4
ARTICLES ....................................................... 6
BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................. 9
BOOKS ....................................................... 11
CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS ................................... 16
GLOSSARIES .................................................. 18
GUIDES ...................................................... 19
MULTIMEDIA .................................................. 23
NEWSLETTERS ................................................. 24
REPORTS AND PAPERS .......................................... 27
REQUEST FOR COMMENTS (RFC) .................................. 31
The Request for Comments Document Series .................... 31
Key Basic Beige RFC Abstracts .................................. 32
APPENDIX A .................................................. 39
APPENDIX B .................................................. 40
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
1. Introduction
1a. Background and Purpose
On 1 June 1989, several members of the IETF User Services Working
Group convened an interim working group session at the JVNC
Supercomputer Center in Princeton, NJ. The purpose of the meeting
was to form a distinct working group that would assemble a
bibliography of useful information about the Internet for end users
and for those who help end users. The first official meeting of the
User Documents Working Group was held at the Stanford IETF in July
1989. The goal of the working group was to prepare a bibliography of
on-line and hard copy documents, reference materials, and multimedia
training tools that address general networking information and "how
to use the Internet". The target audience was beginner level and
intermediate level end users.
1b. Scope
This bibliography is the result of volunteer work provided by members
of the User Documents Working Group. The intent of this effort is to
present a representative collection of materials that will help the
reader become familiar with the concepts of internetworking and will
form the basis for future study. This is, quite simply, a good place
to start. References to other sources of information within this
collection of materials will be useful to readers who wish to pursue,
in greater depth, the issues and complexities of the current
networking environment. Please send comments to us-wg@nnsc.nsf.net.
1c. Organization of Document
This version of the bibliography is divided into 10 distinct
categories of material, and each category is presented in a separate
Within each section, material is arranged in alphabetical order by
author or authoring organization with the exception of Section 11:
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
REQUESTS FOR COMMENTS (RFCs). The RFCs are ordered numerically. All
entries contain fairly standard bibliographic information and provide
a short abstract with information on how to obtain the particular
material addressed.
For brand new network users, unsure of what to read first, we suggest
reading Ed Krol's, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet" (listed
in the Guide section). For general information on an introduction to
Internet protocols, two documents are quite useful: Charles
Hedrick's, "Introduction to the Internet Protocols", and Doug Comer's
textbook, "Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and
Architecture". Two excellent guides to existing networks are Tracy
L. LaQuey's, "Users' Directory of Computer Networks" and John S.
Quarterman's "The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems
Worldwide". We strongly encourage the reader to scan the
bibliography in its entirety as some items may be more applicable to
personal needs or site requirements. (Please note that in many
instances the abstracts are excerpts, provided verbatim, from the
material described.)
1d. Obtaining Files By Anonymous FTP
Much of the material referenced in this bibliography is available
on-line and can be obtained by using the File Transfer Protocol
(FTP). Directions on how to obtain on-line files by anonymous FTP
action follow. In this example, the host used is nic.ddn.mil.
Files may be obtained with the FTP program in conjunction with an
ANONYMOUS login. Versions of the FTP program may vary from system to
system, so the commands shown in this example may need to be modified
to work on your system.
% ftp nic.ddn.mil <== Use the FTP program to
connect to nic.ddn.mil
Connected to nic.ddn.mil
220 NIC.DDN.MIL FTP Server 5Z(47)-6 at Fri 23-Jun-89 09:38-PDT
The system should respond with a message to indicate that a
connection has been made. Users on a Unix system will probably be
prompted for a login name. Type in "anonymous" as in the example
Name (nic.ddn.mil:kbowers): anonymous
331 ANONYMOUS user ok, send real ident as password.
Password: <== Type in <guest> at the password prompt
Other systems may require the use of a "login" or "user" command to
send the username to the server computer. Users unsure of the
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
command should contact a local site representative for the specific
After the username and password are sent to the system, a message to
indicate that the login has been made successfully should appear:
230 User ANONYMOUS logged in at Fri 23-Jun-89 09:39-PDT, job 17.
The user then connects to the directory in which the document to be
retrieved resides. This is done with the cd command:
ftp> cd RFC:
331 Default name accepted. Send password to connect to it.
The user should now be connected to the RFC: directory. The "dir" or
"ls" command will list the files available in this directory.
ftp> dir
200 Port 4.124 at host accepted.
150 List started.
*** At this point a list of the files in the directory
should appear **
226 Transfer completed.
The "get" command will get any file in the directory.
ftp> get RFC821.TXT
200 Port 4.125 at host accepted.
150 ASCII retrieve of TS<RFC>RFC.821.TXT.1 (49 pages) started.
226 Transfer completed. 124482 (8) bytes transferred.
local: RFC.821.TXT remote: RFC.821.TXT
124482 bytes received in 55 seconds (2.2 Kbytes/s)
The "quit" command leaves the FTP program.
ftp> quit
221 QUIT command received. Goodbye.
1e. Submitting Entries to the Bibliography
This is the first version of the "Where to Start" bibliography.
Comments and suggested entries are welcome and should be sent by
electronic mail to us-wg@nnsc.nsf.net.
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
To submit an entry for consideration, please provide the following
specific details as appropriate:
Author or authoring organization:
Editor (if author is unavailable):
Journal (example: Time Magazine):
Number of pages:
Specific pages within which the article is contained:
Publisher or publishing organization:
City of Publication:
Date of document:
Material category (Choose only one: article; bibliography; book;
conference/ workshop; glossary; guide;
multimedia; newsletter; on-line file;
report/paper; RFC):
Abstract: (Please provide a one paragraph abstract describing
the thrust of the document/reference material/
multimedia training tool. Within the abstract
include information on how one can obtain the
material described. See the entries in this
bibliography for examples.)
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Bell, Gordon, "Gordon Bell Calls for a U.S. Research Network," IEEE
Spectrum, vol. 25, no. 2, pa. 54-57, IEEE Spectrum, New York, NY, Feb
This article is written by Gordon Bell, the former Chair of the
FCCSET subcommittee on computer networking, infrastructure and
digital communications. It discusses the merits of a national
network and the potential of such a network to trigger significant
advances in computing and communications research. The most
viable solution is a national research network organized and
maintained by the Federal government. However, the success of
such a venture is tied to the need for effective leadership in
communications and a coordinated Federal science and technology
Catlett, Charles E., "The NSFNET: Beginnings of a National Research
Internet," Academic Computing, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 18-21, Academic
Computing Publications, Inc., McKinney, TX, January 1989.
This article explains the various layers of the NSFNET. It is one
of several articles in this issue of Academic Computing which is
devoted to the subject of networking.
Horwitt, Elisabeth, "Science to Take the High-Speed Route,"
ComputerWorld, vol. 23, no. 33, p. 1, CW Publishing, Framingham, MA,
August 14, 1989.
This article describes the philosophy behind NREN and the
motivational factors why a 3 Gigabit network is needed. Among
those quoted are Senator Albert Gore, Jr., Steve Wolff (NSF) and
Ken King (EDUCOM).
Jacobsen, Ole J., "Information on TCP/IP," ConneXions, The
Interoperability Report, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 14-15, Interop, Inc.,
Mountain View, CA, July 1988.
This article is a reference guide on where to find more
information on TCP/IP and networks in the Internet.
Jacobsen, Ole J., "Information Sources," ConneXions, The
Interoperability Report, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 16-19, Interop, Inc.,
Mountain View, CA, December 1989.
This article is an update of the July 1988 article and provides
information on TCP/IP, OSI, and other networking topics.
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LaQuey, Tracy L., "Networks for Academics," Academic Computing, vol.
4, no. 3, pp. 32-39, Academic Computing Publications, Inc., McKinney,
TX, November 1989.
A variety of computer networks serve academic needs at the
nation's campuses. Their thrusts differ significantly, and it is
not uncommon to find campuses subscribing to multiple networks.
This article is an overview of the major players. This November
1989 issue of Academic Computing also contains other interesting
articles on networking.
Markoff, John, "A Supercomputer in Every Pot," New York Times, p. 1,
New York, NY, December 29, 1988.
This article discusses the need for a gigabit national network to
provide researchers with high speed access to remote resources and
to develop other useful network applications.
Quarterman, John S. and Josiah C. Hoskins, "Notable Computer
Networks," Communications of the ACM, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 932-971,
Association from Computing Machinery, Inc., New York, NY, October
This is a summary of the state of the world of networks as of late
1986. Although influential in its time and still of historical
interest, it has since been superseded by Quarterman's Book, The
Matrix, published in October 1989.
Quarterman, John S., "Etiquette and Ethics," ConneXions - The
Interoperability Report, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 12-16, Advanced Computing
Environments, Mountain View, CA, March 1989.
Learning how to use a computer system properly takes much longer
than simply learning the mechanics of making it do things.
Learning to use a system without offending other users and to
maximum benefit involves etiquette. Learning to use a system
without causing harm to others involves ethics. These are not
completely separable subjects, and the former tends to blend into
the latter as the seriousness of the situation increases. This
article presents a discussion of these subjects, and some
suggested guidelines for appropriate behavior.
Quarterman, John S., "Mail through the Matrix," ConneXions - The
Interoperability Report, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 10-15, Advanced Computing
Environments, Mountain View, CA, February 1989.
There is a worldwide metanetwork of computer networks that use
dissimilar protocols at the network or internet layer, but that
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
communicate at the application layer. The set of such networks
that are non-commercial, e.g., academic, research, or military, is
sometimes called Worldnet. There are also some commercial
networks and conferencing systems connected, and the metanetwork
that includes all of these is what is called the Matrix. This
article describes some problems associated with electronic mail
correspondence through the Matrix.
Schneidewind, Norman F., "Interconnecting Local Networks to Long-
distance Networks," IEEE Computer Magazine, vol. 16, no. No. 9, pp.
15-24, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA 90720, 10662 Los
Vaqueros, (714) 821-8380, September 1983.
This article emphasizes how approaches to interconnection, network
access, network services, and protocol functions are related and
overlap. Decisions on which approach to undertake are based on
user requirements and existing specifications. Applications to
TCP/IP and the DDN Internet are provided.
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Granrose, Jon, List of Anonymous FTP Sites.
This is a list of Internet sites accepting anonymous ftp. This
list is available on host pilot.njin.net, directory pub/ftp-list,
see the files index, help and README for more information. This
list is also regularly posted to the USENET newsgroups comp.misc
and comp.sources.wanted. For more information, send electronic
mail to odin@pilot.njin.net.
Mogul, Jeffrey C., The Experimental Literature of The Internet: An
Annotated Bibliography, 11 pgs., Digital Equipment Corporation, Palo
Alto, CA, 1988.
This annotated bibliography attempts to sift out the literature of
the Internet as an experiment and reveal those publications which
convey the experience acquired by the experimenters. This
technical note was first published as WRL Research Report 88/3.
For more information, contact: Digital Western Laboratory, 100
Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94301.
Partridge, C. ed., SIGCOMM Bibliographies, Computer Communication
Review, ACM, New York, NY, Quarterly.
SIGCOMM generates a quarterly bibliography of recent publications
in computer networking and publishes it in Computer Communication
Review and puts it on-line on nnsc.nsf.net.
Sethi, Adarshpal S., Bibliography of Network Management, Computer
Communication Review, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 58-75, ACM SIGCOMM, New
York, NY, July 1989.
This bibliography contains nearly 200 articles on Network
Management. Some of the major topics are Performance Monitoring
and Management, Fault Management and Diagnosis, LAN Management,
Management of Telecommunication Networks, and AI Applications in
Network Management. Also available on-line on host nnsc.nsf.net,
directory CCR/jul89, filename sethi.ps (postscript format).
Spurgeon, Charles, List of University of Texas Network System (UTnet)
Guides and Documents, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX,
May 17, 1990.
This is a list of documents relating to the University of Texas at
Austin network system (UTnet). These documents are intended for
UTnet users, system administrators and others dealing with
departmental networks and hosts attached to the UTnet system. The
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list includes documents that deal with usage guidelines, TCP/IP
host configuration, IP addresses and routing, UNIX security,
networking terms, subnet policy, subnet gateway installation,
broadcast storms and packet avalanches. Although these documents
are specific to the UTnet system, they do provide information that
may be useful to another site. This list, which describes the
documents and how to get them, is available on-line on host
emx.utexas.edu, directory pub/netinfo/utnet, filename README.
Spurgeon, Charles, Network Reading List, 27 pgs., The University of
Texas at Austin Computation Center, Austin, TX, April 1990.
This is an annotated list of books and other resources of use to
network managers who are using TCP/IP, UNIX, and Ethernet
technologies. These three technologies share the same major
attribute: network managers can use them to build interoperable
network systems across a wide range of vendor equipment. This list
is intended for campus network managers at the University of Texas
at Austin, or anywhere TCP/IP, UNIX, and Ethernet are used to
provide computer communications. Available on-line on host
emx.utexas.edu, directory pub/netinfo/docs, filenames network-
reading-list.txt or network-reading-list.ps (.txt is in ascii
format and .ps is in postscript format).
SRI International, Network Information Systems Center, Bibliography
About Network Protocols: A List for Background Reading, 7 pgs., SRI
International, Network Information Systems Center, Menlo Park, CA,
October 1989.
A bibliography of recent articles and books pertaining to TCP and
IP, X.25, the Transport Protocol (TP-4), OSI and other standards.
Compiled by the DDN Network Information Center as a background
reading list for vendors, this bibliography cites articles, mostly
from open literature, representing a variety of viewpoints. This
list does not contain references to the Requests for Comments
(RFCs). Available on-line on host nic.ddn.mil, directory
netinfo:, file protocols-dod.bib.
Wobus, John M., Syracuse University Network Bibliography, Syracuse
University Computing & Network Services, Syracuse, NY, April 9, 1990.
This is a bibliography of publications on various kinds of
networking. It is intended for use at Syracuse University and
includes publications specific to Syracuse University as well as
publications of more general interest. It is available online via
anonymous ftp to host icarus.cns.syr.edu, directory info, filename
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Anderson, Bart, Bryan Costales, Harry Henderson, and The Waite Group,
UNIX Communications, 542 pgs., Howard W. Sams & Company,
Indianapolis, IN, 1987.
UNIX Communications provides a good overview and comprehensive
introduction on UNIX mail, the USENET News and UUCP with clear
Arms, Caroline, Campus Networking Strategies, 321 pgs., Digital
Press, Bedford, MA, 1988.
This book contains a survey of ten colleges and universities that
have made or implemented grand plans for networking. The case
studies cover the planning process, technical issues, and
financing and management of an ongoing service organization.
Chapters on protocols and standards, wiring, and national networks
provide valuable technical background. A glossary defines
frequently used networking terms. This book is a project of the
EDUCOM Networking and Telecommunications Task Force (NTTF), a
group of research universities engaged in joint programs to
support the development of computer networking technology.
Arms, Caroline ed., Campus Strategies for Libraries and Electronic
Information, Vol. 3, 404 pgs., Digital Press, Bedford, MA, 1989.
This book offers a comprehensive look at planning and
implementation of libraries and information systems in higher
education. This is volume 3 in EDUCOM Strategies Series on
Information Technology. Order source for EDUCOM members is:
pubs@educom.edu. Order source for non-members is: 1-800-343-8321.
Order number: ey-cl85e.dp.
Batt, Fred, Online Searching for End Users: An Information
Sourcebook, 116 pgs., Oryx Press, Phoenix, AZ, 1988.
This is a sourcebook for computer and information science which
includes bibliographies and indexes.
Comer, Douglas E., Internetworking With TCP/IP: Principles,
Protocols, and Architecture, 382 pgs., Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1988.
This book provides an overview and introduction to TCP/IP. It
contains an overview of the Internet; reviews underlying network
technologies; examines the internetworking concept and
architectural model; covers the basics of the Internet addressing
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and routing as well as protocol layering; explores the core
gateway system and protocol gateways used to exchange routing
information; and discusses application level services available in
the Internet. It also contains several useful appendices
including RFCs, a glossary of Internet terms, and the official
DARPA Internet protocols.
Connors, Martin, Computers and Computing Information Resources, 1271
pgs., Gale Research Co., Detroit, MI, 1987.
This is a guide to approximately 6,000 print, electronic, and
"live" sources of information on general and specific computer-
related topics in all disciplines.
Feinler, Elizabeth J., Ole J. Jacobsen, Mary K. Stahl, and Carol A.
Ward, DDN Protocol Handbook, 2749 pgs. [3 volumes], SRI
International, DDN Network Information Center, Menlo Park, CA,
December 1985.
This is a three volume collection of documents addressing how to
attach computers to the Defense Data Network (DDN) using the
Department of Defense (DoD) suite of protocols. The first volume
contains official military standard protocols, such as the
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and the
File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Volume two includes all of the
official Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
protocols. The final volume contains supplementary material of
interest to protocol implementors. In addition, the handbook
presents general information about the protocol standardization
process itself, the agencies involved and their roles, and the
means for obtaining further information. Available from SRI
International, DDN Network Information Center, 333 Ravenswood
Ave., Room EJ291, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Frey, Donnalyn and Rick Adams, !%@:: A Directory of Electronic Mail
Addressing and Networks, Second Edition, 284 pgs., O'Reilly and
Associates, Sebastopol, CA 1990.
This handbook of electronic mail addressing and networks contains
an electronic mail tutorial, short descriptions of networks, and
helpful indices of domain names and ISO codes. It also has
several useful appendices: second-level domains sorted by
organization name, second-level domains sorted by domain name, ISO
country codes sorted by country, same sorted by code, and UUCP
mail handling.
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Jose J., Mary K. Stahl, and Carol A. Ward,
Internet Protocol Handbook: The Domain Name System (DNS) Handbook,
219 pgs., SRI International, Network Information Systems Center,
Menlo Park, CA, August 1989.
This handbook explains the Domain Name System (DNS) and the
Internet Host Table. This is volume four of the DDN Protocol
Handbook (see Feinler, E., et. al., DDN Protocol Handbook). This
volume is divided into two sections. The first section covers the
concepts and philosophy of the DNS as discussed in various
articles and Requests for Comments (RFCs). The second section
focuses on the transition from the Internet Host Table to the DNS.
Detailed information on DNS protocol standards and implementations
are provided as are guidelines for the establishment and operation
of domain name servers. The handbook concludes with a glossary of
DNS acronyms. Available from SRI International, Network
Information Systems Center, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Room EJ291, Menlo
Park, CA 94025.
Karrenberg, Daniel and Anke Goos, European R&D E-mail Directory, 210
pgs., European Unix Systems Users' Group, Owles Hall, Owles Lane,
Buntingford, Herts, England, December 1988.
This book contains a reference of all organizations reachable by
EARN and EUNet, the two major European electronic mail networks
serving the research and development community. It contains an
electronic mail tutorial and organization indexes. For more
information, send electronic mail to euug@inset.uucp, or call +44
763 73039.
LaQuey, Tracy L., User's Directory of Computer Networks, 653 pgs.,
Digital Press, Bedford, MA, May, 1990.
This directory contains detailed lists of hosts, site contacts,
and administrative domains, and general information on over 40
major networks. Included are tutorials on the Domain Name System,
X.500, and Electronic Mail. An Organization List, which includes
universities, colleges, research institutions, government agencies
and companies, cross references much of the network and host
information presented throughout the directory. Most of the lists
and articles are provided or written by Network Information
Centers and network contacts. For more information, send
electronic mail to netbook@nic.the.net.
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
McConnell, John, Internetworking Computer Systems : Interconnecting
Networks and Systems, 318 pgs., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
An advanced reference series on Internetworking computer systems
and computer networks. Includes bibliographical references and
Quarterman, John S., The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing
Systems Worldwide, 746 pgs., Digital Press, Bedford, MA, 1990.
A successor to the article "Notable Computer Networks" published
by the CACM, October 1986, this book contains background material
introducing important topics for readers unfamiliar with networks
and conferencing systems. It provides descriptions of specific
systems, organized geographically, in order to facilitate
discussion of regional history. Maps are included. Syntaxes and
gateways are provided for sending mail from one system to another.
Access information is given for those wishing to join or research
a system. Extensive reference sections are at the end of each
chapter including a sixty page index of programs and protocols,
networks and gateways, places and people. For more information,
send electronic mail to matrix@longway.tic.com.
Rose, Marshall T., The Open Book: A Practical Perspective on OSI, 651
pgs., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.
This is a comprehensive book about Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI). In particular, this book focuses on the pragmatic aspects
of OSI: what OSI is, how OSI is implemented, and how OSI is
integrated with existing networks. In order to provide this
pragmatic look at OSI the book makes consistent comparisons and
analogies of the OSI pieces with the TCP/IP suite of networking
Stallings, William, Handbook of Computer-Communications Standards
Volume 1: The Open System (OSI) Model and OSI-Related Standards,
Macmillan, New York, NY, 1990.
Stallings, William, Handbook of Computer-Communications Standards
Volume 2: Local Area Network Standards, Macmillan, New York, NY,
Stallings, William, Handbook of Computer-Communications Standards
Volume 3: The TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Macmillan, New York, NY, 1990.
This series systematically covers the major standards topics,
providing the introductory and tutorial material not found in the
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actual standards documents. The books function as a primary
reference for those who need an understanding of the technology,
implementation, design, and application issues that relate to the
Stoll, Clifford, The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of
Computer Espionage, Doubleday, New York, NY, 1989.
Clifford Stoll, an astronomer turned UNIX System Administrator,
recounts an exciting, true story of how he tracked a computer
intruder through the maze of American military and research
networks. This book is easy to understand and can serve as an
interesting introduction to the world of networking. Jon Postel
says in a book review, this book "... is absolutely essential
reading for anyone that uses or operates any computer connected to
the Internet or any other computer network."
Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Computer Networks, Second Edition, Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.
This book is a reference for computer communications. In addition
to OSI, some aspects of TCP/IP are discussed.
Todinao, Grace, Using UUCP and USENET: A Nutshell Handbook, 199 pgs.,
O'Reilly and Associates, Newton, MA, 1986.
This handbook outlines how to communicate with both UNIX and non-
UNIX systems using UUCP and cu. By example it shows how to read
news and post your own articles to other USENET members.
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, The Association for Computing Machinery, New
York, NY.
The annual ACM SIGCOMM Symposium is the major ACM conference on
research on computer communication. The symposium provides an
international forum for the presentation and discussion of
communication network applications and technologies, as well as
recent advances and proposals on communication architectures,
protocols, algorithms, and performance models. Papers on any
field in computer communication are welcomed. The conference
typically accepts about 25% of the papers submitted. ACM Special
Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) is the professional
society for people interested in computer communication.
Established as an ACM SIG in 1969, SIGCOMM published a quarterly
journal, Computer Communication Review, in addition to hosting the
SIGCOMM conference. For more information, send electronic mail to
sigs@acmvm (Bitnet) or contact: Association for Computing
Machinery, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8097. Phone
(212) 869-7440, fax (212) 869-0481.
INTEROP Conference and TCP/IP OSI/ISO ISDN Internetworking Tutorials,
Interop, Inc., Mountain View, CA.
Interop, Inc. hosts a number of tutorials on internetworking
topics including TCP/IP, OSI, X-Windows, ISDN, and so on. The
tutorials are held concurrently with the INTEROP conference and
also in several locations in the US and Europe throughout the
year. In-house training can also be arranged. The INTEROP
conference and exhibition is held every year in October. The
format is 2 days of tutorials followed by 3 days of technical
sessions. A large tradeshow where attendees can see vendors
demonstrating interoperability on the show network is also part of
INTEROP. The show network (dubbed "Show and Tel-Net") is also
connected to several wide area networks including the Internet
during the conference. For more information contact: Interop,
Inc., 480 San Antonio Road, Suite 100, Mountain View, CA 94040.
Phone: (415) 941-3399 or 1-800-INTEROP FAX: (415) 949-1779.
National Net Conference, EDUCOM, Washington, DC.
This conference provides the annual forum in which the National
Research and Education Network (NREN) partnership among education,
government and industry is being forged. This conference
facilitates strategic alliances to realize the NREN goals of
advancing research productivity and technology transfer,
broadening collaboration of the nation's leading scientists, and
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
improving educational access and quality. For more information,
contact EDUCOM, 1112 16th Street, NW, EDUCOM, Suite 600,
Washington, DC 20036 (202) 872-4200.
EDUCOM Conference, EDUCOM, Washington, DC.
EDUCOM conferences are a forum for policymakers, administrators,
faculty, corporate and government representatives who want to
learn more about current and emerging trends in information
technology, campus computing strategy and policy, networking and
computer applications in teaching, research and administration.
For more information, contact EDUCOM, 1112 16th Street, NW,
EDUCOM, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 872-4200
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Corporation for National
Research Initiatives, Reston, VA, Plenaries held 3 times/year.
The IETF is a large open community of network designers,
operators, vendors, and researchers whose purpose is to coordinate
the operation, management and evolution of the Internet, and to
resolve short- and mid-range protocol and architectural issues.
It is a major source of proposed protocol standards which are
submitted to the Internet Activities Board for final approval.
The IETF meets three times a year and extensive minutes of the
plenary proceedings are issued. For more information, send
electronic mail to ietf-request@venera.isi.edu or contact the
Corporation for National Research Initiatives, 1895 Preston White
Drive, Suite 100, Reston, VA 22091, Attn: IAB Secretariat.
Open Systems Interconnection - OSI, The Omnicom Institute.
Omnicom, Inc. is a comprehensive source for information and
training in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) industry. They
provide training courses, newsletter service, and consulting and
technical support services. For more information, contact Omnicom
Inc., 115 Park Street, SE, Vienna, VA 22180-4607 Phone: (703)
281-1135, FAX: (703) 281-1505
Communication Networks Conference & Exposition, IDG Conference
Management Group.
This group provides 5-6 conferences a year focusing on network
management, communications, OSI, standards, TCP/IP and assorted,
associated tutorials. For more information, contact IDG Conference
Management Group, P.O. Box 9171, Framingham, MA 01701 Telephone:
(800) 225-4698, (508) 879-6700, FAX: (508) 872-8237.
User Documents Working Group [Page 17]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Colorado State University, Glossary of Networking Terms, 2 pgs.,
Colorado State University, Boulder, CO.
This is a condensed version of more common networking terms put
together by the Colorado State University. Available on host
csupwb.colostate.edu, directory general.info, file
Darcy, Laura ed. and Louise Boston, ed., Webster's New World
Dictionary of Computer Terms, 282 pgs., Simon and Schuster, New York,
This dictionary contains electronic data processing and computer
Edmunds, Robert A., The Prentice-Hall Standard Glossary of Computer
Terminology, 489 pgs., Prentice-Hall, Business and Professional
Division, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1985.
This is a standard glossary of computer terminology.
Freedman, Alan, The Computer Glossary: The Complete Illustrated Desk,
776 pgs., AMACOM, New York, 1988.
This glossary contains over 3000 definitions of computer terms.
It can also be used as an encyclopedia for using, understanding
and benefiting from computers.
User Documents Working Group [Page 18]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
California Education and Research Federation Network - CERFnet,
CERFnet User's Guide , May 1990, approx. 60 pgs., California
Education and Research Federation Network-CERFnet, San Diego, CA, May
CERFnet User's Guide includes general information on CERFnet (such
as a topology map and membership list), acceptable use policies,
troubleshooting procedures, descriptions of the CERFnet mailing
lists and network information services, information on the NSFNET
and MERIT, other mid-level networks, and the Internet. It also
includes the Internet Resource Guide produced by the NNSC, the
Internet Accessible Library Catalogs and Databases produced by Dr.
Art St. George, as well as other useful articles. The guide is
available on-line on NIC.CERF.NET, directory cerfnet, filename
cerfnet_guide. Both postscript and ascii formats are available.
To request a hard copy of the guide send electronic mail to
help@cerf.net. CERFnet charges a fee for hard copy versions of
the guide.
Chew, John J. ed., Inter-Network Mail Guide, 4 pgs., Trigraph, Inc.,
Toronto, Canada, December 89 (issued monthly).
This bulletin documents methods of sending mail from one network
to another. It is maintained by John J. Chew
(poslfit@gpu.UTCS.UToronto.CA), and is posted monthly to
comp.mail.misc and news.newusers.questions (USENET newsgroups).
It is also available via the LISTSERV at UNMVM. Send a message to
listserv@unmvm (or listserv%unmvm.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu) and in
the body of the message say GET NETWORK GUIDE. The guide will be
sent to you. For more information, send electronic mail to
Colorado State University Computer Center, Colorado State
University's SUBNET MANAGER'S GUIDE, 32 pgs., Colorado State
University Computer Center, Ft. Collins, CO, April 1989.
Although a guide written specifically for CSUNET's subnet
managers, it has general reference material containing common
networking questions and concerns. Available on-line on host
csupwb.colostate.edu, directory subnet.managers.info, filename
Damon, Lee and Dale Weber, How to use the UUCP <===> Fido-Net<tm>
Gateway, 6 pgs. (19640 bytes), Plano, TX, December 9, 1988.
This tutorial explains how to send mail from a Fido-Net site
User Documents Working Group [Page 19]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
to/from a UUCP or Internet site. Available on-line on host
emx.utexas.edu, directory user.wg/documents, filename
Dennett, Stephen C. ed., Elizabeth J. Feinler, ed., Francine Perillo,
ed., Mary K. Stahl, ed., and Carol A. Ward, ed., DDN New User Guide,
74 pgs., DDN Network Information Center, Menlo Park, CA, December
1985, revised November 1987.
This is a guide written for new users of the DDN. It covers the
structure of the DDN and how it is administered, network
connection, registration, network use and services, and a
bibliography and glossary of terms. Also included are appendices
which contain information about network special interest groups
(SIGs), commonly-asked questions, and network contacts. Available
on-line on host nic.ddn.mil, directory netinfo:, filename nug.doc.
Hard copies may be obtained by writing to SRI International,
Network Information Systems Center, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Room
EJ291, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Dorio, Nancy, Marlyn Johnson, Sol Lederman, Elizabeth Redfield, and
Carol A. Ward, DDN Protocol Implementations and Vendors Guide, 386
pgs., SRI International, DDN Network Information Center, Menlo Park,
February 1989.
This is a reference guide to products and implementations
associated with the DoD Defense Data Network (DDN) group of
communication protocols with emphasis on Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and OSI. The four sections of
the guide: provide information on policy and evaluation
procedures; discuss software and hardware implementations and
include a discussion on analysis tools with a focus on protocol
and network analyzers. Any products mentioned in this guide are
not specifically endorsed or recommended by the Defense
Communications Agency (DCA). Available on-line on host
nic.ddn.mil, directory netinfo:, file vendors-guide.doc, or
contact SRI International, Network Information Systems Center, 333
Ravenswood Ave,. Room EJ291, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Krol, Ed, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet, 24 pgs., University
of Illinois Urbana, Urbana-Champaign, IL, September 1989.
This guide offers a quick introduction to some of the concepts and
jargon, pitfalls and structure of the TCP/IP Internet. This primer
also contains instructions (with examples) for finding and
fetching more information from various Network Information
Centers. It provides hints on how to retrieve on-line files and
how to be a good Internet neighbor. Available on-line on host
User Documents Working Group [Page 20]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
nic.ddn.mil, directory RFC, filename RFC1118.TXT.
Link, Adrianne, UNIX Mail Hints, 7 pgs., National Center for
Atmospheric Research Scientific Computing Division, Boulder, CO, May
This guide contains several useful UNIX mail procedures and is
intended for users who are familiar with UNIX mail. For more
information, send electronic mail to Mary Buck,
maryb@ncar.ucar.edu, or contact the National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Scientific Computing Division, P.O. Box
3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000. (303) 497-1232
NSF Network Service Center, Internet Resource Guide, 170 pgs., NSF
Network Service Center, Cambridge, MA, 1989.
This is a guide to computational resources, library catalogs,
archives, white pages, networks and network information centers,
available via the Internet. It includes description and contacts
for specific information. Available on on-line host nnsc.nsf.net,
directory resource-guide. Subscription requests should be sent to
resource-guide-request@nnsc.nsf.net, or contact the NNSC at (617)
Pritchett, Norm, Centralized Mail Systems Summary, 8 pgs. (25446
bytes), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, May 23, 1989.
This guide is a summary of a survey to find out what people were
doing with centralized mail systems. It includes points-of-
contact for the assorted mail systems addressed. Available on-
line on host emx.utexas.edu, directory user.wg/documents, filename
St. George, Dr. Art and Mr. Ron Larsen, Internet-Accessible Library
Catalogs and Databases, 18 pgs, University of New Mexico and
University of Maryland, Albuquerque, NM, December 1989.
This guide is an ongoing project listing on-line library catalogs
and databases available within the United States. (This listing
will be modified in the future to include available overseas
libraries as well.) It is organized by state, and then by catalog
and database source. This document can be obtained by sending a
message to listserv@unmvm (or
listserv%unmvm.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu) and in the body of the
(Postscript). The list will be sent to you. For more
information, send electronic mail to stgeorge@unmb.bitnet or
User Documents Working Group [Page 21]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
IETF NOC Tools Working Group, Stine, Robert ed., Network Management
Tool Catalog: Tools for Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and
Interconnected Devices, 187 pgs. (278217 bytes ascii or 126
pgs./511546 bytes postscript), Sparta, Inc., McLean, VA, December
This catalog contains descriptions of several tools available to
assist network managers in debugging and maintaining TCP/IP
internets and interconnected communications resources. Entries in
the catalog tell what a tool does, how it works and how it can be
obtained. A useful network management tutorial is also included
in the appendix. Available on-line on host nic.ddn.mil, directory
FYI or RFC, filenames FYI2.txt or RFC1147.txt or FYI2.ps or
RFC1147.ps (.txt is in ascii format and .ps is in postscript
format). For more information, send electronic mail to us-
User Documents Working Group [Page 22]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
National Net Audiotapes, Recorded Resources Corporation,
Millersville, MD, 1988, 1989, 1990.
These tapes are recorded during sessions of the annual National
Net conferences, held since 1987 in Washington, D.C. Description
of the conference is listed in this bibliography in Conferences
and Workshops. Availability information: 1988, 38 tapes; 1989, 33
tapes; 1990, 16 tapes. For more information, contact Recorded
Resources Corporation, 8360 Maryland Rte. 3, Suite 16, P.O. Box
647, Millersville, MD 21108. (301) 621-7120
IBM, MCI and Merit, The National Network, 20 min., MCI Video
Production Center, McLean, VA, 1989.
This presentation on the National Research and Education Network,
cites various examples of computer-based applications: sharing
distributed data for medical diagnosis, collaboration on assorted
advanced research and technology projects, and more. A copy of
this video may be obtained by writing Arvyette Patterson, MCI
Video Library, 8003 West Park Drive, McLean, VA 22102. (703)
MIDNET, MIDNET 1989 Videotape, 5 min., MIDnet, Lincoln, NE, 1989.
This short film discusses the need for MIDNET (one of the
geographically regional networks connected to the NSFNet backbone)
and its relationship to other networks. For more information,
contact MIDNET, Computing Resource Center, University of Nebraska
- Lincoln, 326 Administration, Lincoln, NE 68588. (402) 472-5108.
User Documents Working Group [Page 23]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
PSINet Connection, PSI, Inc., Reston, VA.
PSINet Connection is a bi-monthly newsletter which supplies the
user with information on using the Internet, reporting on the
national PSINet activities and network growth and commentary on
current technical issues. For more information, send electronic
mail to info@psi.com, or contact PSINet Connection, PO Box 3850,
Reston, VA 22091. Phone (703) 620-6651.
CERFnet News, California Education and Research Federation Network
(CERFnet), San Diego, CA.
CERFnet News is published six times a year by the California
Education and Research Federation Network (CERFnet). It contains
information pertinent to CERFnet users and Internet users, such as
network technologies, (ex.: FDDI), a report on the latest
activities of CERFnet, political and legislative related
networking news, articles on different resources available on-line
to Internet users (ex.: databases and library catalogs), and a
column on notable activity on the Internet. CERFnet News is
available on-line on host sds.sdsc.edu or nic.cerf.net, directory
cerfnet_news. For more information, send electronic mail to
cerf-help@sds.sdsc.edu or contact the CERFnet office located at
CERFnet, c/o San Diego Supercomputer Center, P. O. Box 85608, San
Diego, CA 92138-5608. (619) 534-5087
CICnet, The Seeing Eye, CICNet, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI.
The Seeing Eye is a bimonthly publication on the activities of
CICNet, Inc. (CIC stands for Committee on Institutional
Cooperation.) This newsletter deals with issues such as
electronic communication and cooperation among universities,
governments, and corporations, and the establishment of a coherent
national research and education network. For more information,
send electronic mail to maloff@merit.edu, or contact The CICNet
Information Source, CICNet, Inc., 535 West William, Ann Arbor, MI.
48103-4943. (313) 747-4272
User Documents Working Group [Page 24]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
ConneXions, Interop, Inc., Mountain View, CA.
ConneXions - The Interoperability Report is published monthly and
covers the computer and communications industry, with special
emphasis on networking protocols such as TCP/IP and OSI. The
articles are written by the experts in the field and are typically
tutorial in nature. For more information, contact Interop, Inc.,
480 San Antonio Road, Suite 100, Mountain View, CA 94040. (415)
LinkLetter, Merit Computer Network/NSFNET Information Services, Ann
Arbor, MI.
This newsletter is a publication of the Merit Computer Network,
managers of the NSFNET backbone project. The Link Letter focuses
on the NSFNET backbone project and is available electronically and
via hard copy. To subscribe, send electronic mail to NSFNET-
Merit Network News, MERIT, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI.
This newsletter is a free, quarterly publication of the Merit
Computer Network, Michigan's regional computer network. The Merit
Network News publishes information and documentation on the
network itself, features articles about the computing environments
at the Merit member institutions, and provides information about
recent developments in networking technology. Merit News is
available electronically or via hard copy. To subscribe, send
electronic mail with your preferred method and addresses to
Info@merit.edu, or contact Merit at (313) 764-9430.
NEARnet Newsletter, NEARnet, Cambridge, MA.
The NEARnet Newsletter is a bimonthly publication for users of the
New England Academic and Research Network (NEARnet) and others
interested in academic and research networking. This newsletter
contains articles about useful network applications and projects,
NEARnet services, member organizations, and plans for the future.
To subscribe, send electronic mail to nearnet-staff@nic.near.net,
or contact NEARnet, BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation, 10
Moulton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, Attn: Deborah Doyle MS 6/3A.
NorthWestNet News, University Computing Services, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA.
This short monthly newsletter is intended primarily for member
institutions of NWNET. The newsletter contains information of
interest to users and staff of these institutions, with an
User Documents Working Group [Page 25]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
emphasis upon announcing training opportunities in supercomputing
and networking, upcoming NWNET meetings, and resources available
to NWNET users. To subscribe, send electronic mail (for hard copy
or on-line) to kochmer@uwavm.acs.washington.edu.
NSF Network News, NSF Network Service Center, Cambridge, MA.
A newsletter published by the NSF Network Service Center
approximately every 5 months. Its mission is to disseminate
general information about NSFNET, its architecture, its protocols
and its users. The newsletter also includes a map, showing all
sites attached to NSFNET and its regional networks at the time of
publication. To subscribe, send electronic mail to
nnsc@nnsc.nsf.net or contact NNSC, BBN Systems & Technologies, 10
Moulton St., Cambridge, MA 02138.
NYSERNet News, PSI, Inc., Reston, VA.
This bi-monthly newsletter supplies the user with information on
using the Internet, reports on ongoing NYSERNet activities and
network growth and commentary on current technical issues. To
subscribe, send electronic mail to info@psi.com, or contact
NYSERNet News, PO Box 3850, Reston, VA 22091. (703) 620-6651.
UIUCnet Newsletter, University of Illinois Computing Services Office,
Urbana, IL.
The UIUCnet newsletter provides timely information about campus
network issues. It covers new developments in campus networking
in addition to providing tutorials and in-depth articles about
both national networking and networking at the University of
Illinois. Postscript versions (that are compressed) of the
UIUCnet Newsletter are available on-line on host uxc.cso.uiuc.edu,
directory UIUCnet. To subscribe, send electronic mail to
uiucnet@uiuc.edu, or contact UIUCnet, Computing Services Office,
1304 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana, IL 61801.
User Documents Working Group [Page 26]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Deutsch, Debra, An Introduction to the X.500 Series Network Directory
Service, 13 pgs., BBN Systems & Technologies Corporation, Cambridge,
MA, June 1988.
This paper introduces the concepts and function of the Directory
Services specified in the X.500 series and outlines how the CCITT
and ISO have approached the associated technical issues. The
discussion is at a fairly high level, but does assume a knowledge
of networking concepts. It begins with an explanation of the
model and concepts used in the standard; describes the services
provided and the protocols that implement those services;
describes some of the kinds of names and objects that the CCITT
and ISO anticipate will appear in the database; and ends with a
discussion of some issues that CCITT and ISO are expected to
address in the near- to mid-future. Available by sending
electronic mail to Debra Deutsch, ddeutsch@bbn.com.
EDUCOM Networking and Telecommunications Task Force, The National
Research and Education Network: A Policy Paper, 10 pgs., EDUCOM,
Washington, DC, April 1989.
This paper is based on conclusions reached at an EDUCOM NTTF
national network workshop attended by representatives of
government, education and industry on January 23-24, 1989 and from
recommendations of task force committees. It addresses the goal
and benefits of the NREN, access to the network and network
services, and issues surrounding research and development. It
also presents a model for network structure and management, and
network financing. This document can be ordered by sending
electronic mail to nttf@educom.edu, or contacting EDUCOM, 1112
16th Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 872-4200.
EDUCOM Networking and Telecommunication Task Force, A National Higher
Education Network: Issues and Opportunities, 19 pgs., EDUCOM,
Princeton, NJ, May 1987.
This paper is the first in a series of documents addressing the
urgent need for a coordinated national highspeed computer network
linking academic institutions, federal research laboratories,
library resources, and industrial partners. Appendix 1 contains a
statement by the President of EDUCOM to the Science, Research and
Technology Subcommittee of the US House of Representatives. This
document can be ordered by sending electronic mail to
nttf@educom.edu, or contacting EDUCOM, 1112 16th Street NW, Suite
600, Washington, DC 20036. (202) 872-4200.
User Documents Working Group [Page 27]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology
(FCCSET), A Research and Development Strategy for High Performance
Computing, 29 pgs., Office of Science and Technology Policy,
Washington, DC, Nov 20 1987.
Prepared by the FCCSET Committee on Computer Research and
Applications, this report is the result of a systematic review of
the status and directions of high performance computing and its
relationship to federal R&D. It contains both a summary of
findings and a summary of recommendations addressing high
performance computers, software technology and algorithms,
networking and basic research and human resources. This document
was released by the Executive Office of the President, Office of
Science and Technology Policy, Washington, DC 20506. To order,
call OSTP Publications at (202) 395-7347.
Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee, Draft Program Plan
for the National Research and Education Network, 25 pgs., Federal
Research Internet Coordinating Committee (FRICC), Washington, DC, May
This report is the final draft of a joint agency program plan to
develop a National Research and Education Network (NREN). It
addresses the concerns identified in the review conducted by the
ad hoc committee of the National Research Council, as documented
in the report "Toward A National Research Network". It details
steps to be taken by the Federal government to establish the NREN
and covers the first five years of the expected ten year
development path. For more information, contact the Federal
Research Internet Coordinating Committee, US Dept. of Energy,
Office of Scientific Computing ER-7, Washington, DC 20545.
Hedrick, Charles L., Introduction to the Internet Protocols, 34 pgs.,
Rutgers University Computer Science Facilities Group, Piscataway, NJ,
July 3, 1987.
This paper give an introduction to the Internet networking
protocols (TCP/IP). It includes a summary of the facilities
available and brief descriptions of the major protocols in the
family. Available on-line on host topaz.rutgers.edu, directory
pub/tcp-ip-docs, filenames tcp-ip-intro.1 and tcp-ip- intro.2.
Hedrick, Charles L., Introduction to Administration of an Internet-
base Local Network, 46 pgs., Rutgers University Computer Science
Facilities Group, Piscataway, NJ, July 24, 1988.
This document is written for people who intend to set up or
administer a network based on the Internet networking protocols
User Documents Working Group [Page 28]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
(TCP/IP). Available on-line on host athos.rutgers.edu, directory
runet, filename tcp-ip-admin.doc or tcp-ip-admin.ps (.doc is in
ascii format and .ps is in postscript format).
National Research Council, Toward a National Research Network, 55
pgs., National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1988.
This report was prepared by the National Research Network Review
Committee (NRNRC) on the proposed establishment of a high-
performance national computer network for researchers. Three sets
of issues are examined: the technical feasibility of the network
proposals developed by the Committee on Computer Research and
Applications of the Federal Coordinating Council for Science,
Engineering and Technology (FCCSET); the utility of the proposed
network to the research community; and developments in computer
technology that might encroach upon the proposed network and
associated services. The committee's findings with issues and
recommendations are presented in this report. This document is
available from the Computer Science and Technology Board, 2101
Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20418.
Raveche, Harold J., Duncan H. Lawrie, and Alvin M. Despain, A
National Computing Initiative, The Agenda for Leadership, 77 pgs.,
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA,
February 1987.
In response to congressional inquiries and urged on by the
extraordinary opportunities created by rapid developments in
high-performance computing, the Federal Coordinating Council on
Science, Engineering and Technology (FCCSET) recommended that
several federal agencies convene expert panels to assess high-
performance computing. In attendance were 45 recognized leaders
from industry, academe and national laboratories. In three
separate sub-panels, they considered the steps necessary to grasp
the opportunities and face the challenges of the next decade: in
particular, to maintain U.S. leadership in computing technology
and the strengthening of our competitive position vis-a-vis our
trading partners. The three sub-panel reports follow an executive
summary of the workshop. For copies, contact Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1400 Architects Building, 117
South 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-5052.
Reynolds, Joyce K., The Helminthiasis of the Internet, 33 pgs.
(77,033 bytes), USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey,
CA, December 1989.
This report looks back at the helminthiasis (infestation with, or
disease caused by parasitic worms) of the Internet that was
User Documents Working Group [Page 29]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
unleashed the evening of 2 November 1988. It provides information
about an event that occurred in the life of the Internet. This
document provides a glimpse at the infection, its festering, and
cure. The impact of the worm on the Internet community, ethics
statements, the role of the news media, crime in the computer
world, and future prevention is discussed. A documentation review
presents four publications that describe in detail this particular
parasitic computer program. Reference and bibliography sections
are also included. Available on-line on host nic.ddn.mil,
directory RFC, filename RFC1135.TXT.
Shapiro, Norman Z. and Robert H. Anderson, Toward an Ethics and
Etiquette for Electronic Mail, 50 pgs., The Rand Corporation, Santa
Monica, CA, July 1985.
This report, prepared for the National Science Foundation,
provides important general attributes of electronic mail systems,
computers, or communications systems, and the effects of those
attributes on the quality and appropriateness of communication.
Hard copies may be obtained, for a fee, from: Publications
Distribution Services, The RAND Corporation, P.O. Box 2138, Santa
Monica, CA 90406-2138.
U.S. General Accounting Office, Computer Security - Virus Highlights
Need for Improved Internet Management, 36 pgs., United States General
Accounting Office, Washington, DC, 1989.
This report (GAO/IMTEC-89-57), by the U.S. Government Accounting
Office, describes the worm and its effects. It gives a good
overview of the various U.S. agencies involved in the Internet
today and their concerns vis-a-vis computer security and
networking. Available on-line on host nnsc.nsf.net, directory
pub, filename GAO_RPT; and on nis.nsf.net, directory nsfnet,
filename GAO_RPT.TXT.
User Documents Working Group [Page 30]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
11.a The Request for Comments Document Series
The RFCs are working notes of the Internet research and development
community. A document in this series may be on essentially any topic
related to computer communication, and may be anything from a meeting
report to the specification of a standard.
Most RFCs are the descriptions of network protocols or services,
often giving detailed procedures and formats providing the
information necessary for creating implementations. Other RFCs
report on the results of policy studies or summarize the work of
technical committees or workshops.
Note: Currently, all standards are published as RFCs, but not all
RFCs specify standards.
Anyone can submit a document for publication as an RFC. Submissions
must be made via electronic mail to the RFC Editor. The RFC Editor
is Jon Postel (Postel@ISI.EDU).
While RFCs are not refereed publications, they do receive technical
review from either the task forces, individual technical experts, or
the RFC Editor, as appropriate.
RFCs are distributed on-line by being stored as public access files,
and a short message is sent to the RFC distribution list (RFC-
REQUEST@NIC.DDN.MIL) indicating the availability of the memo.
The on-line files are copied by the interested people and printed or
displayed at their site on their equipment. An RFC may also be
returned via email in response to an email query. RFCs can be
obtained via FTP from NIC.DDN.MIL, with the pathname RFC:RFCnnnn.TXT
(where "nnnn" refers to the number of the RFC). Login with FTP,
username "anonymous", password "guest".
The DDN Network Information Center (NIC) also provides an automatic
mail service for those sites which cannot use FTP. Address the
request to SERVICE@NIC.DDN.MIL and in the subject field of the
message indicate the RFC number, as in "Subject: RFC nnnn".
RFCs can also be contained via FTP from NIS.NSF.NET. Using FTP,
login with username "anonymous", and password "guest"; then connect
to the RFC directory (cd RFC). The file name is of the form
RFCnnnn.TXT-1 (where "nnnn" refers to the number of the RFC).
The NSFNet Network Information Service (NIS) also provides an
User Documents Working Group [Page 31]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
automatic mail service for those sites which cannot use FTP. Address
the request to NIS-INFO@NIS.NSF.NET and leave the subject field of
the message blank. The first line of the text of the message must be
"SEND RFCnnnn.TXT-1", where "nnnn" is replaced by the RFC number.
This means that the format of the online files must meet the
constraints of a wide variety of printing and display equipment.
Once a document is assigned an RFC number and published, that RFC is
never revised or re-issued with the same number. There is never a
question of having the most recent version of a particular RFC.
However, a protocol (such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP)) may be
improved and re-documented many times in several different RFCs. It
is important to verify that you have the most recent RFC on a
particular protocol.
The Internet Activities Board (IAB) published the "IAB Official
Protocol Standards" (currently RFC-1140), which describes the state
of standardization of protocols used in the Internet. This document
is issued quarterly. Current copies may be obtained from the DDN
Network Information Center or from the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority. Please refer to the latest edition of the "IAB Protocol
Standards" RFC for current information on the state and status of
standard Internet protocols.
The complete set of all RFCs issued is maintained at, and available
from, the DDN Network Information Center at SRI International. For
further information, phone: 1-800-235-3155 (E-mail: NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL).
Subsets of this master set (shadow copies) are maintained at MERIT
and CSNET. Use of the RFC repositories at these sites may be more
suitable to your network connectivity requirements. Please note,
however, that the NIC.DDN.MIL is the central repository and will
contain the most up-to-date set of RFCs.
11b. Key Basic Beige RFC Abstracts
The following material is organized as abstracts of key "Basic Beige"
RFCs. Please see RFC 1140 for an explanation of the Internet
Standards process and the definitions of the terms (e.g., Recommended
versus Required).
RFC-768 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
A Recommended Standard Protocol. Provides a datagram service to
applications. Adds port addressing to the IP services.
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
RFC-791 Internet Protocol (IP)
A Required Standard Protocol. This is the universal protocol of
the Internet. This datagram protocol provides the universal
addressing of hosts in the Internet.
RFC-792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
A Required Standard Protocol. The control messages and error
reports that go with the Internet Protocol.
RFC-793 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
A Recommended Standard Protocol. Provides reliable end-to-end
data stream service.
RFC-821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
A Recommended Standard Protocol. The procedure for transmitting
computer mail between hosts.
RFC-822 Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
A Recommended Standard Protocol. Defines the standard for the
format of Internet text messages.
RFC-826 Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol
An Elective Network Specific Standard Protocol. This is a
procedure for finding the network hardware address corresponding
to an Internet Address.
RFC-854 Telnet Protocol
A Recommended Standard Protocol. The protocol for remote terminal
RFC-862 Echo Protocol
A Recommended Standard Protocol. Debugging protocol, sends back
whatever you send it.
RFC-894 A Standard for the Transmission of IP
Datagrams over Ethernet Networks
An Elective Network Specific Standard Protocol. A standard method
of encapsulating Internet Protocol datagrams on a Ethernet.
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
RFC-904 Exterior Gateway Protocol
A Recommended Standard Protocol. The protocol used between
gateways of different administrations to exchange routing
RFC-919 Broadcasting Internet Datagrams
A Required Standard Protocol. A protocol of simple rules for
broadcasting Internet datagrams on local networks that support
broadcast, for addressing broadcasts, and for how gateways should
handle them. Recommended in the sense of "if you do broadcasting
at all, then do it this way".
RFC-922 Broadcasting Internet Datagrams in the Presence
of Subnets
A Required Standard Protocol. A protocol of simple rules for
broadcasting Internet datagrams on local networks that support
broadcast, for addressing broadcasts, and for how gateways should
handle them. Recommended in the sense of "if you do broadcasting
with subnets at all, then do it this way".
RFC-950 Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure
A Required Standard Protocol. This is a very important feature
and must be included in all IP implementations. Specifies
procedures for the use of subnets, which are logical sub-sections
of a single Internet network.
RFC-951 Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
A Recommended Draft Standard Protocol. This proposed protocol
provides an IP/UDP bootstrap protocol which allows a diskless
client machine to discover its own IP address, the address of a
server host, and the name of a file to be loaded into memory and
RFC-959 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
A Recommended Standard Protocol. The protocol for moving files
between Internet hosts. Provides for access control and
negotiation of file parameters.
RFC-1000 The Request for Comments Reference Guide
The RFC Reference Guide provides a historical account of the
Request for Comments series of documents by categorizing and
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
summarizing of the Request for Comments numbers 1 through 999
issued between the years 1969-1987. These documents have been
crossed referenced to indicate which RFCs are current, obsolete,
or revised.
RFC-1009 Requirements for Internet Gateways
A Required Standard Protocol. An official specification for the
Internet community. This RFC summarizes the requirements for
gateways to be used between networks supporting the Internet
protocols. This document is a formal statement of the
requirements to be met by gateways used in the Internet system.
RFC-1011 Official Internet Protocols
A Required Standard Memo. This RFC is an official status report
on the protocols used in the Internet community. It identifies
the documents specifying the official protocols used in the
Internet. Comments indicate any revisions or changes planned.
RFC-1012 Bibliography of Request for Comments 1 through
This RFC is a reference guide for the Internet community which
provides a bibliographic summary of the Request for Comments
numbers 1 through 999 issued between the years 1969-1987.
RFC-1034 Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities
A Recommended Standard Protocol. This RFC is the revised basic
definition of The Domain Name System. It obsoletes RFC-882. This
memo describes the domain style names and their use for host
address look up and electronic mail forwarding. It discusses the
clients and servers in the domain name system and the protocol
used between them.
RFC-1035 Domain Names - Implementation
A Recommended Standard Protocol. This RFC is the revised
specification of the protocol and format used in the
implementation of the Domain Name System. It obsoletes RFC-883.
This memo documents the details of the domain name client - server
RFC-1042 A Standard for the Transmission of IP
Datagrams over IEEE 802 Networks
An Elective Network Specific Standard. This RFC specifies a
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
standard method of encapsulating the Internet Protocol (IP)
datagrams and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests and
replies on IEEE 802 Networks to allow compatible and interoperable
RFC-1048 BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions
A Recommended Draft Standard. This memo proposes an addition to
the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP).
RFC-1058 Routing Information Protocol
An Elective Draft Standard Proposed Protocol. This RFC describes
an existing protocol for exchanging routing information among
gateways and other hosts. It is intended to be used as a basis
for developing gateway software for use in the Internet community.
RFC-1060 Assigned Numbers
A Required Standard Memo. This RFC is an official status report
on the numbers used in protocols in the Internet community. It
documents the currently assigned values from several series of
numbers including link, socket, port, and protocol, used in
network protocol implementations.
RFC-1084 BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions
A Recommended Draft Standard. This RFC is a slight revision and
extension of RFC-1048 by Philip Prindeville, who should be
credited with the original work in this memo. This memo will be
updated as additional tags are defined. This edition introduces
Tag 13 for Boot File Size.
RFC-1087 Ethics and the Internet
This memo is a statement of policy by the Internet Activities
Board (IAB) concerning the proper use of the resources of the
RFC-1095 The Common Management Information Services
and Protocol over TCP/IP (CMOT)
A Recommended Draft Standard. This memo defines a network
management architecture that uses the International Organization
for Standardization's (ISO) Common Management Information
Services/Common Management Information Protocol (CMIS/CMIP) in a
TCP/IP environment. This architecture provides a means by which
control and monitoring information can be exchanged between a
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
manager and a remote network element. In particular, this memo
defines the means for implementing the Draft International
Standard (DIS) version of CMIS/CMIP on top of Internet transport
protocols for the purpose of carrying management information
defined in the Internet-standard management information base.
RFC-1112 Host Extensions for IP Multicasting
A Recommended Standard for IP multicasting in the Internet. This
memo specifies the extensions required of a host implementation of
the Internet Protocol (IP) to support multicasting.
RFC-1119 Network Time Protocol (NTP)
A Recommended Standard Protocol. This document describes the
Network Time Protocol (NTP), specifies its formal structure and
summarizes information useful for its implementation. NTP
provides the mechanisms to synchronize time and coordinate time
distribution in a large, diverse internet operating at rates from
mundane to lightwave.
RFC-1122 Requirements for Internet Hosts -
Communication Layers
A Required Standard. An official specification for the Internet
community. This memo incorporates by reference, amends, corrects,
and supplements the primary protocol standards documents relating
to hosts. This is one RFC of a pair (see RFC 1123) that defines
and discusses the requirements for Internet host software. This
RFC covers the communications protocol layers: link layer, IP
layer, and transport layer.
RFC-1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts -
Application and Support
A Required Standard. An official specification for the Internet
community. This memo incorporates by reference, amends, corrects,
and supplements the primary protocol standards documents relating
to hosts. This RFC is one of a pair (see RFC 1122) that defines
and discusses the requirements for Internet host software. This
RFC covers the application and support protocols.
RFC-1140 IAB Official Protocol Standards
This memo describes the state of standardization of protocols used
in the Internet as determined by the Internet Activities Board
(IAB). This memo is issued quarterly, please be sure the copy you
are reading is dated within the last three months.
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
RFC-1155 Structure and Identification of Management
Information for TCP/IP-based Internets
A Recommended Standard. This RFC provides the common definitions
for the structure and identification of management information for
TCP/IP-based internets. In particular, together with its
companion memos, which describe the initial management information
base along with the initial network management protocol, these
documents provide a simple, working architecture and system for
managing TCP/IP-based internets and in particular, the Internet.
TCP/IP implementations in the Internet which are network
manageable are expected to adopt and implement this specification.
RFC-1156 Management Information Base for Network
Management of TCP/IP-based Internets
A Recommended Standard. This RFC provides the initial version of
the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network
management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets in the short-term.
In particular, together with its companion memos which describe
the structure of management information along with the initial
network management protocol, these documents provide a simple,
workable architecture and system for managing TCP/IP-based
internets, and in particular, the Internet. TCP/IP
implementations in the Internet which are network manageable are
expected to adopt and implement this specification.
RFC-1157 A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
A Recommended Standard. This memo defines a simple protocol by
which management information for a network element may be
inspected or altered by logical remote users. In particular,
together with its companion memos which describe the structure of
management information along with the initial management
information base, these documents provide a simple, workable
architecture and system for managing TCP/IP-based internets and in
particular, the Internet.
RFC-1160 The Internet Activities Board
A history and description of the Internet Activities Board (IAB)
and its subsidiary organizations. This memo is for informational
use and does not constitute a standard.
RFC-1166 Internet Numbers
An official status report for the Internet community. This memo
describes the fields of network numbers and autonomous system
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
numbers that are assigned specific values for actual use, and
lists the currently assigned values.
Neither the Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet Activities
Board, nor the United States Government, nor the National Science
Foundation, nor any of their employees makes any warranty or assumes
the legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately
owned rights. Reference to any special commercial products,
trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily
constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by
the Internet Engineering Task Force, nor the Internet Activities
Board, nor the United States Government nor the National Science
Foundation. The views and opinions of the author(s) do not
necessarily state or reflect those of the Internet Engineering Task
Force, Internet Activities Board, nor the United States Government
nor the National Science Foundation and shall not be used for
advertising or product endorsement.
User Documents Working Group [Page 39]
RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BBN Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc.
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol
CACM Communications on Association for Computing Machinery
CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative
CERFnet California Education and Research Federation Network
CIC Committee on Institutional Cooperation
CMIS Common Management Information Services
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol
CMOT Common Management Information Services and
Protocol Over TCP/IP
CNRI Corporation for National Research Initiatives
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DDN Defense Data Network
DIS Draft International Standard
DNS Domain Name System
DoD Department of Defense
EARN European Academic Research Network
EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol
EUnet European Unix Network
FCCSET Federal Coordinating Council for Science,
Engineering and Technology
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FRICC Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee
FTP File Transfer Protocol
IAB Internet Activities Board
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IP Internet Protocol
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISI Information Sciences Institute
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JvNC John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
LAN Local Area Network
MIB Management Information Base
NEARnet New England Academic and Research Network
NIC Network Information Center
NNTF Networking and Telecommunications Task Force
NREN National Research and Education Network
NSF National Science Foundation
NTP Network Time Protocol
NWNET NorthWestNet
OS Operation System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
RFC Request For Comments
SIG Special Interest Group
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TP4 Transport Protocol, class 4
UDP User Datagram Protocol
USC University of Southern California
UUCP Unix-to-Unix Copy Program
UTnet University of Texas Network
WRL DEC Western Research Laboratory
Security Considerations
Security issues are not discussed in this memo.
Authors' Addresses
Karen Bowers
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
Reston, VA 22091
Phone: (703) 582-8990
E-Mail: kbowers@nri.reston.va.us
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RFC 1175 FYI - Bibliography August 1990
Tracy LaQuey
University of Texas
Computation Center
Austin, TX 78712
Phone: (512) 471-3241
E-Mail: tracy@nic.the.net
Joyce K. Reynolds
University of Southern California
Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way, #1001
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
Phone: (213) 822-1511
E-Mail: jkrey@isi.edu
Karen Roubicek
BBN Systems and Technologies
10 Moulton Street
NSF Network Service Center
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 873-3361
E-Mail: roubicek@nnsc.nsf.net
Mary Stahl
SRI International
Network Information Systems Center
333 Ravenswood Avenue, Rm EJ 296
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 859-4775
E-Mail: stahl@nisc.sri.com
Aileen Yuan
The MITRE Corporation
7525 Colshire Drive, MS W422
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: (703) 883-7023
E-Mail: aileen@gateway.mitre.org
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