[RFCs/IDs] [Plain Text]

NETWORK WORKING GROUP                                           NIC 5776
Request for Comments #106                              Thomas O'Sullivan
                                                            3 March 1971

                       USER/SERVER SITE PROTOCOL
                       NETWORK HOST QUESTIONNAIRE

        The answer to a number of questions about the characteristics
and operation of Network HOSTS will be useful to implementers of some
early versions of TELNET, and/or to the USER/SERVER SITE PROTOCOL
Committee in their consideration of a full TELNET PROTOCOL

        Questions of current interest are covered on the attached
questionnaire.  The Technical Liaison contact at each HOST site is asked
to review these questions and fill in the answers as soon as convenient
after receipt.

        One of the members of the committee listed below will contact
each HOST site by telephone in the next few days to record the answers.

   Committee members include:

         Bob Long                   SDC

         John Melvin                SRI/ARC

         Ed Meyer                   MIT/MAC

         Tom O'Sullivan             RDS

        Results of the questionnaire will be tabulated and distributed
as an RFC.

                                                                [Page 1]

                      NETWORK HOST QUESTIONNAIRE*

                        For TELNET Consideration

Installation __________________________  Prepared By _______________

System**  _____________________________  Date  _____________________

1.)    Does system operate on keyboard terminal input on one
       character at a time (e.g. searching for a special
       character other than end of line), or does it accumulate
       a line at a time and operate on the line when a
       special character is entered, e.g. Carriage Return (CR)?

         [ ]  Line at time

         [ ]  Character at time

         [ ]  Both (Explain) __________________________________




2.)    What maximum buffer size does your system provide for
       input of a physical line from a keyboard terminal, and
       for output to a terminal, printer, or screen?



       Remarks: ____________________________________________________




 * If there is insufficient space on the questionnaire, continue
   answers on back of page.

** Fill out separate questionnaire for each HOST to be directly
   interfaced to an IMP.

                                                                [Page 2]

Network HOST Questionnaire (Continued)

3.)    Describe the effect in your system of use of the following
       keying conventions.  Indicate how implemented, i.e. is there
       a hardware interrupt?  Does the terminal respond?  How?
       What is sent into system as data, what is echoed, etc.
       If the key(s) are not available, so indicate (as may be
       the case for Newline for some systems, line feed for 2741's,
       etc.). If available but has no meaning, so indicate.

       Key Strokes        Implementation           System Action

          CR       __________________________   __________________

          LF       __________________________   __________________

          NL       __________________________   __________________

        CR,LF      __________________________   __________________

              Terminal Type =  __________________________

       If appropriate, enter data for other terminal types on the
       back of this page.

4.)    What special character or characters are used in your
       system to awaken some process during the entry of data
       from a terminal (e.g. control C for some systems, break on
       others, etc.)?

       Character(s)                 Operation

       ___________    ___________________________________________

       ___________    ___________________________________________

       ___________    ___________________________________________

       ___________    ___________________________________________

                                                                [Page 3]

Network HOST Questionnaire (Continued)

5.)    List the types of keyboard terminals and codes supported
       by your system.




6.)    What internal code(s) is used in your system to represent
       character sets?  If not ASCII nor EBCDIC, attach a copy of
       the code.




7.)    For each terminal type do you support it in:

       Half Duplex (Pure) _______________________________________

       Half Duplex (with Break or Attention) ____________________

       Half Duplex (Break & Reverse Break) ______________________

       Full Duplex (without echo) _______________________________

       Full Duplex (with echo) __________________________________

8.)   For optional echo systems, at initial connect time
      is the terminal assumed to require an echo?

            [ ] Yes

            [ ] No

                                                                [Page 4]

Network HOST Questionnaire (Continued)

9.)   Does your system perform error detection (e.g. parity
      check) on terminal input and, if so, is this a hardware
      or software check?




10.)   Does your system support punched paper tape input?  If so,
       what sort of end of line sequence is used?




       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
            [ into the online RFC archives by S.M.H. 5/97 ]

                                                                [Page 5]

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